
I guess it's not news anymore that Crutchfield is selling Thiel online. What seems odd is the pricing: 2.4's going for $2500, and 3.7's for $5000, shipping included.

Can anyone confirm the accuracy of these prices? If they are accurate what are the implications?


Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

I am somewhat surprised at a lot of the negative responses, it comes off a bit snobbish to me. If Theil never sells one speaker via Crutchfield at least it is getting their name out there to possible future buyers. Furthermore, it is possible that for those who were to purchase them, they may get excited about audio, such as many of us. Being that Crutchfield sells at MSRP, I don't see how this could hinder a local shop. Lastly, what if Theil needed to do this in atempt to keep themselves afloat? (I am not saying they are, I haven't a clue of their financial status.)