Thiel 3.7

Once again Mr. Thiel demonstrates that he is not one to rest on his laurels. The unique drivers, cabinet design, and 90 db sensitivity are very intriguing.

Showing 4 responses by drubin

Shari's husband was tranferred and they had to move, not too far but far enough to make for an unpleasant commute. That's the official story, anyway. She has gone to work for our own Larry Staples at LSA/DK Design.
Alex, I didn't sell the Thiels until two weeks ago. A typical pattern for me: I will own more than one component at a time and be unable to decide which I prefer. Eventually I just let something go in order to break the logjam. But you are right that I was never in love with the Thiels. They are a great, great speaker, but time to move on. The Harbeths are working nicely for me now, but I doubt they will be the last stop. The constant tension between music lover and audiophile. The Harbeths communicate the music so well and sound so beautiful. Tonight I put on a CD I rarely listen to, Charlie Haden and Hank Jones playing mainly old spirituals. It's always struck me as too spare. Not this time. It reached out and grabbed me, made complete sense musically. That's what we have systems for, right? But then I'll turn around and start thinking, boy, I sure wish these Harbeths used a better tweeter, I really need to try a Maggie or something with a Scanspeak Revelator or whatever. It's hard for me to be content. But I rarely am with anything. My character issues manifest fiercely in the hobby.
I did. VTL electronics as I recall. About all I can say is they sounded "promising." The system was bright overall, but the Thiels had great bass (no surprise there), terrific detail, and stayed wonderfully composed as the music got complex. I have the impression that these are a little more "buttery" sounding than previous Thiel designs (whatever that means), and may be a slight departure (not huge) from the Thiel house sound of the last many years. I like the way they look personally. But if you subscribe to the belief that what you see influences what you think you hear (I do), many may find this speaker too metallic sounding. LOL. $9900 by the way. Big spread from the 2.4.