Thiel 2.3--bright or harsh ?

I have a pair of Thiel 2.3's running with a Krell integrated-KAV300i and a Rega Planet CD player. With a great CD the sound is wonderful----but put on a "questionable" recording and they sure sound bright or harsh. I heard about an upgraded driver for the 2.3's but did not arrive yet. Anyone have any experience with this.. Will the new drivers do the trick---and/or is there anything else I can do get rid of some of the brightness.

Showing 2 responses by redkiwi

Gjrad is right. Don't ever expect Thiel speakers to sound lush and romantic. The 2.3 will always be a struggle for you unless you like a clean, slightly "whitened", slightly lean sound - but teaming the 2.3 with Krell is not likely to work well, and will more likely tip, what I have described above, over into brightness. Perhaps a 50W tube integrated, or a change of speakers will be best in the long run. If your budget isn't ready for that for a while then experiment with some MIT cables by all means, but I feel you will have to deal with amp or speakers eventually.
Hi Pops. I have Thiel 3.6 driven by the latest Plinius SA250 in one of my systems and they do sound great (and not at all bright - as you say. But the 2.3 is not in the same ball-park and tonally leaner IMO. I feel the Plinius is better than either the Classe or Aragon, but with the 2.3 I would tend to use a tube power amp.