Thiel 1.5 vs. 2.3

I have a pair of Thiel 1.5 speakers and am comtemplating moving up to the 2.3s. I'm sure there are people here who have heard both in their systems, and I would appreciate any comments. I've read the reviews and heard them at a dealer, but there's nothing like feedback from people who've lived with speakers.

Thanks -- David

Showing 1 response by casouza

If you want to keep the amps for a while, and given your taste, I suggest that you listen to mellower speakers like Meadowlark, Vandersteeen or Spendor.
I have auditioned the 2.3 at lentgh, they were the brightest, most upfront speaker in the store. Looks like Thiel designed them with the home theater market in sight.

BTW, I am not anti-Thiel, I own and enjoy Thiel 3.5s.
Good luck