was this cable homemade? if not what was the brand?
They Sing
What one change in your system could you make that would give you silky highs, juicy lows, improve your imaging?
Give up?
I changed my cable from my CD player to my preamp with a solid silver cable. It's hard to believe that such a simple change could make such a big difference. I cannot believe how my Dahlquist M-905's sing now. They're getting pretty close to a planar sound. I have them hooked to a B&K 202+ and a Denon CD player.
Give up?
I changed my cable from my CD player to my preamp with a solid silver cable. It's hard to believe that such a simple change could make such a big difference. I cannot believe how my Dahlquist M-905's sing now. They're getting pretty close to a planar sound. I have them hooked to a B&K 202+ and a Denon CD player.