They're Here

The latest SGHT has a DVD player from Apex in the New Products section that purports to have multi-channel SACD and DVD-A capability, along with CD, CDR, CDRW and MP3 playback capability. It also has progressive scan output and lists for $350.

I've also just happened across a couple of SACD and DVD-A releases while browsing the local music emporium that looked tempting. Is it possible we're turning the corner? I don't think I'm going to buy this particular model, but I'm guessing a new player isn't that far off in my future. -Kirk


Showing 1 response by kthomas

Definitely agree with steering clear of the early models - waiting for version 2.0 of anything is a good idea. I'm sure most on this forum will also want to wait for a higher-end version from somebody besides Apex to appear as well. I just thought it was great to see such a beast appear - I think it bodes well for the hi-rez future, especially since it's in a $349 player. -Kirk