They lost my amp

I'm hoping you guy's can put me at ease. I bought mono-blocks from an Agon member. The shipper managed to deliver one mono-block but lost the other. They put a trace on it and said we must give them seven days to find it. My question is: When they lose these things, do they usually find them or is it like the police looking for stolen property - it's probably gone. It's been missing one day and it's big.

Showing 3 responses by blindjim

Well, for now I'd have to say that sucks. Big time.

Dreadfully sorry to hear about it too. there's no question that one half of a matched pair being lost or busted IMO is a total loss... and I'd pursue it that way too, wether it would prove out well or not for me... as pairs of things are usually matched, or at least they're in the same build era.

I had an issue with a pair of speakers once with Fed Ex. They picked them up in MI at about 3pm one day and miraculosly delivered them by ground, some 1800 miles in 2.5 hrs.!!

For three days they had no idea where they were but gave me the delivery address. Not mine either. One about eight miles from where they were picked up!

Several days later one supervisor found it all out... they had been delivered and scanned into a local Fed ex station... but never scanned again when they were shipped out from there to me.

I understood why when they arrived... the cardboard covering the plywood box was nearly all gone from one unit, and the other's was torn almost all off. hurray for plywood boxes and closed cell foam liners!

A couple other wierd shipping issues forced me to ensure that when ordering amps or speakers in 'pairs' (if large and/or expensive), to palletize 'em. in fact I flew in my Dodds from WA. overnight hoping to circumvent any loss. Palletized my DD15 when it was shipped within the state to me as well... but it still got a fork lift hole in the outer box! thankfully not on the sub itself though.

There is a place which will ensure Fed Ex deliveries against loss or theft apart from the declared value you submit to Fed Ex. there are some criteria too that must be met, such as covering the box so no name or mention of it's contents can be determined, and I think therre's a 30 14 or day wait to recover as well.... and it's only for Fed Ex shippments too.

Duct tape 'em together and - or band them onto a pallett is now my ongoing preff and whenever it's a pricey item, I'll use Pilot Air... still there's just no gimme or lock, on the outcome of shipping stuff.

I sure hope all turns out well, and it probably will. Keep a good thought.


Sure am sorry to hear my fears were somewhat realized eg., damage.

the repairs, all the expense being put on UPS's dime?

40 x 48 Palletts, Palletts, palletts. Two way or four way, doesn't really matter. have 'em banded onto palletts... not just sitting on them but strapped down onto them!! Darn little will get put on top of them... they usually won't stack them atop anything either... and palletts are usually never run down the confveyor belts, where all the dropping usually happens!

A couple grands worth of gear, matched sets, or "day don't make 'em anymore", IMO, requires a couple hundred more to secure it... and it'sthe "easier softer way", in the end, than tryingh, hoping, praying, one will recover via a claim with the carrier.

Good luck man, I'm pulling for you!

Wether they do or don't suits me either way... I can't6 stress enough however, how important it is to CYA with the added effort & likely, cost to safeguard things as a portion of the transaction. It's no lock, not even fool proof, but it'll sure take definite mishandling for it to encounter a severe mishap if strapped to a good sturdy pallett... probably no harder to lose though. ;-}