Theta Basic or Pioneer PD 65? Which One is Best?

If you could buy either at the same price which would you buy and why, thank you for your input.

Showing 1 response by zaikesman

The Theta Data Basic is a good transport, but is based on a Philips drive assembly that is no longer manufactured. For close to the same price used, they reccommend going with a Pearl (or Jade, at a higher price) tansport, based on the Pioneer Stable Platter mechanism, for which future service will not be as difficult. I have the Pearl and like it a lot, but have not tried a Pioneer player as a transport. Presumably, the audiophile-pedigree, transport-only Theta would be a superior implementation of the drive for use with an outboard DAC. Currently, Theta's in-production transports are now all based on DVD drives instead.