These seem a bit pricey $$$

Saw Steve Guttenberg’s review of the Credo 900’s the other day. I realize there is a lot more involved in the cost of a speaker than parts costs - labor, insurance shipping, dealer margins. OK, that’s called business. But 12K for these?
Just seems a bit out of line.
No, I never heard them.  Maybe they're worth it.

Showing 1 response by doodle6

I’m reluctant to disparage these speakers without listening first, and, as a retired cabinet and furniture maker, I absolutely loved the enclosure, particularly the crosscut top veneers. Beautiful!! But I am with bigkidz: criticism of the pricing of these speakers is really rich from a website where people routinely praise multi thousand dollar cords and wires when all of our electronics employ sophisticated power supplies to clean up the power from the wall. Getting dirty power into the box through $10,000 power cords is nuts. Same with speaker wires. Interconnects are a different story because good shielding is vital, but that can be done for sums that are paltry compared to some of the prices we see on esoteric brands.