Then there were 2

OK I have 3 amps on my short list but one is not available due to supply chain issues.They are ARC Ref75SE, Rogue Stereo 100, (and not available is Quicksilver Mono KT/120)
Question sin it is down to the Rogue and ARC are the comparable (or as they say a coin flip?) or is one considerably better than the other.
I like the fact that the ARC use KT150 and the bias is accessible on front panel.

Showing 1 response by cfarrow

QuickSilver V4’s over the ARC, I have first hand experience with both brands and value QS is a no brainer but also a very good sound and super reliable.  My GS150 was short lived and quality with the new ARC is questionable along with customer service.  I have friends that are dealers for both and QS is their pick to own.