The Who (Deluxe)

Just downloaded this album yesterday. I have to listen to it some more. It is listenable but it is not The Who. Pete is an excellent song writer and a great guitarist but if you listen to all their records I can't believe that you can not say the Who died with Keith Moon. John Entwistle's death put a stake through it's heart. This is the Pete Townsend Roger Daltrey group. Music has evolved but they have not. As Richard Thompson likes to say,"The Who, now they were art." If you ever saw them live you know how true this is. They were the Nine Inch Nails of their day. This record does not reflect that. 

Showing 2 responses by uberwaltz

They smooth out with age
Pretty sure it is just a case of, you know, getting old!
Trust me I know the feeling.
Don't worry, it is an excellent album no matter what the worry warts say.
I was taken first listen and it has only improved on subsequent listening sessions.

Of course it is not The Who of old but I believe Townsend and Daltrey have earned the right to perform and release music as The Who.
Who are we to say otherwise?