The survival of the fittest.

I am constantly surprised at the vast number of speaker manufacturers. But many fall by the wayside. Plenty of reasons why they fail, but more interested in why certain makers continue to succeed.

Fit and Finish
Product availability
New technology
Manufacture association
Profit margin

I realize most of these in combination contribute but if you had to rank them my money is on the marketing and fit/finish, in that order with sound holding up the rear. Thoughts?

Showing 8 responses by mahgister

Thanks for the info....

But i think their innovation (dual concentric) are there after all these years because they are very good also.... A myth in audio is rarely a complete lie....
The "timing" factor is the most difficult to understand....This timing factor is more encompassing than just luck....

Because like a human being, a company or a product has his birth date, and his life and crisis....
The timing factor is a point in time where the others intervening factors plays well together or not....
The survival of any company, designing speakers or not is related to this timing convergence...
The analysis of a speakers company history or any company is centered around this convergence or timing factors...

It will be interesting to compare the many different designers of speakers and looking for this time convergence of many factors in their success and relating the timing of their innovative different technology to their comparative rate of success speed in time ...

There exist no longevity without timing, even if a company take good decisions, the convergent decisions must be taken in a certain window of time...

Ok i hope that i had not annoy anybody....I will pass the torch....

I think that Sansui speakers were not so well reviewed at any times like their amplifiers always were .... It was more a side product by a great amplifier designer....

For the longevity question, i think it speak volume when 50 years after their creation some product, be it speakers or amplifiers, Tannoy in one case and Sansui in the other, some products become mythical well designed sought after products... When the state of the company, being alive or dead, do not change the product value at all, it speaks volume about the importance of the quality and innovative design factor ....The main factor for me indeed with the right pricing and the timing factor in the survival of the company....

After some decades the main new intervening factor being the transmission of the traditions and innovative genius to the successive generation....It was no more the case with Sansui tradition in around 1995, but for Tannoy the company kick always at the time being other speakers companies "butts" so to speak.... :)

Just a last word to say that the survival of a company is not ruled by the same exact factors than the survival of a product in the market... The Company and the product are not synonymus and do not partake to the same fate completely...

Sansui company is dead for many decades, Sansui amplifiers kicks butts today; Tannoy dual gold sell for gold today and the company create new design that dont replace or kill the old one at all.... That say something also....

My best to you....
I speak also about Tannoy, a brand name actually living strong, not only a vintage brand, that sell easily( i sold my 2 pairs of dual concentric gold paid 400 dollars 45 years ago 2,000 dollars)...

Their dual concentric tech was new and very amazing and the timing right...

Why do Tannoy succeed and go on living so long? For me the 2 essential factors are design quality/pricing and timing, amongs others important factors (advertising, esthetic, workers and transmission of technology, innovative new produtcs, standadization of line products etc).

If an innovative technology works , it can work even better for ever, magneplanar tech for example....When a new tech, is so revolutionary, then the product is unique, irrepleacable it can even grow stronger.... Magneplanar is an example...

Perhaps the new Tekton technology with an array of drivers is on the same road.... Electro-acoustic speakers are.... Horn speakers also....

It is the reason why design quality/pricing and originality is one of the most important factor in longevity.... All the others factors for me are subordinate to the timing factor, except perhaps the transmission of skills in a new generation of works....This tradition of transmission of skills with all his requirements were no more possible in the case of Sansui  and were broken, amongst other factors, by the exigencies of the new emerging competitive mass market at the times....The same forces act and plays for or against any audio product, speakers or amplifiers....

My best to all....

@ mahgister
Sansui? They folded many moons ago!

Yes but they are sold used for the last 50 years with glorious review to this day, not bad for a company that is no more for the last 20 years.. .... I own 2 amplifier of the alpha series and the older Au 7700....

They are very good each one  and offer more flexibilities than almost any contemporary amplifier....Particularly my AU 7700...( separable pre-amp section that is very good, filters, tone controls of quality, and many other possibilities too numerous to list here)

Soundwise i cannot fault them....

I will upgrade who knows when, for a Berning amplifier but ,but for 150 dollars versus many thousands dollars, the quality and appeal of the Sansui is without doubt one of the best deal i ever make....Look at my link below what this experienced reviewer say about the AU 717 which is soundwise between my AU 7700 And the so called superior "alpha" series :

Sansui lost when their time and "timing" plays no more in the good direction around 1995....Their history is interesting...

Vintage does not equal lower quality by no means....

I dream sometimes of my future Berning amp but i am in no urge and perhaps i will die with these 2 Sansui.... Except for the Zotl Technology anyway i would be afraid to upgrade Sansui with anything under 10,000 dollars.....The Zotl technology should beat the Sansui, that i am pretty sure...

For the speakers it is more difficult, in my small room on a desk, the 50 dollars almost vintage Mission Cyrus 781 are so good on all counts, that i am also afraid to upgrade.... Which small speakers will give me 45 hertz clear bass, liquid mid range, non fatiguing highs, imaging perfect and holographic soundstage (thanks to my embeddings controls also for sure) ?

I sold my 2 pairs of Tannoy dual concentric after 40 years because they were too big for my desk.... when you are older the house decrease ... :)

The Tannoy speakers were more than good speakers but alas! i did know nothing about embeddings controls at these times and i never listen to them at their optimal output, like most people dont even know what S.Q. their own audio system can output because they do not embed it at all or not enough....

Small Tekton perhaps ? The designer Erik seems very interesting creator like Berning is.... I am fond of new tech..... 😎
My point is that there is an individual story behind every business failure. I started a consumer products business which failed after 11 years and there’s no way I could cite a single reason.
Great point....

I called this unknown reason : TIMING.....Timing for the ascent and timing for the descent in oblivion and timing between competitors....

All about life is about timing....

Even a flock of birds or fish knows that....

I will not elaborate more about timing....Too much controversies already in audio to embark in "timing"...🙄😁😊

«Time is the most mysterious and unexplained concept in science and timing the most evident phenemenon in nature»- Anonymus
Having been on this site for nearly 20 years, I find that the content of this forum hasn’t changed all that much. What has changed is the desire for people on either side of a discussion (or argument if you prefer) to shout the other side down and the amount of vitriol displayed to do so. People see no need to consider the other side of the coin when they are certain that they are right. That is not confined to this site. It is prevalent in society everywhere these days.
Thanks for voicing and writing better than i could do what i think....

My best regards to you....

P.S. it is interesting to interrogate ourself and others about the question the OP propose anyway, saying the opposite is simply bad faith....There is worst thread than this one to say the least...

Like i said for me quality of design/pricing and timing are  the keys for the survival, i will pose advertising method in a wide sense only third....And Esthetic fourth.... 😊
I will add Sansui.... Even today their old amplifier had a good resale value....Quality of design and market timing which is a more appropriate designation than "luck"...

Timing explain much in the ascent and descent of companies....

Then quality/pricing and timing are for me the 2 main factors in all histories...