The survival of the fittest.

I am constantly surprised at the vast number of speaker manufacturers. But many fall by the wayside. Plenty of reasons why they fail, but more interested in why certain makers continue to succeed.

Fit and Finish
Product availability
New technology
Manufacture association
Profit margin

I realize most of these in combination contribute but if you had to rank them my money is on the marketing and fit/finish, in that order with sound holding up the rear. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by larry5729

My wife certainly wouldn't allow a pair of Tekton's to be displayed in our living room nor would I.  Pretty ugly in my opinion.  I can't believe how ugly some of the systems I see pictured on Audiogon are.  They must have some very forgiving wives or they might be single or they might be in a finished basement.  However, I am sure they sound great.  For me they also have to look great and fit into our living room and not destroy the look of our home.  We spend a lot on furniture and we are proud of the way our home looks.