The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?

I've been talking to my cousin brother about sound quality. He is a self-proclaimed expert audiophile. He says that Audio Science Review has all of the answers I will need regarding audio products.

In particular, he says an inexpensive DAC from any Chinese company will do better than the expensive stuff. He says fancy audio gear is a waste of money because the data is already bit-perfect.  All DAC chips sound the same. Am I being mislead? 

He also said that any DAC over $400 is a waste of money. Convincing marketing is at play here, he says.

He currently owns a Topping L30 headphone amplifier and D30 Pro DAC. He uses Sennheiser HD 569 headphones to listen to music.  I'm not sure what to think of them. I will report my findings after listening one day! (likely soon, once I get some free time)

- Jack 




Showing 1 response by riccitone

Different types of chips, chip configurations, and most importantly output circuitry, can all influence the character and delivery of the sound. Overall quality of parts and design and overall topology all play a part. I can hear major differences with every dac in my house when swapping them out in my system (all well reviewed). And the very best one in terms of the realism and quality of stage depth, width, tonal character, clarity and accuracy happens to be the most expensive one (and it’s a $600 Chinese dac). a good system will still sound “good” with any cheap dac. But if you want to unfold dimensional and tonal potential for said system, a dac that’s designed with care (and passion) will do wonders and can even transform your system. Btw, Amir measured the Ares II as resulting in good measurements, but most modern r2r now also measure well (if that’s a concern).

To my ears, a well designed and engaging dac can set the paradigm for active listening (as opposed to “doing the dishes” passive listening).