the smoothest sounding speaker

Any recommendations for a smooth sounding speaker? One that won't give you ear fatigue playing CD's. One that doesn't require playing vinyl to sound good.
Vandersteen's come to mind but I would like better resolution. How about Aerials? Is it possible to have both good resolution and still non-fatiguing sound?

Showing 3 responses by mrtennis

smoothness and resolution are at opposite ends of a continuum.

too much smoothness obscures resolution. too much resolution eliminates smoothness.

it would seem that speaker designers may voice a speaker to provide a balance of the two.

it is difficult to recommend a speaker without listening. p[erception of smoothness and resolution is subjective.

that said, i think the aerial 10t is a good choice.
since a speaker is connected to an amp one must consider the combination when answering this question. personally, i think a pair of apogee duettta sigs with a cj mv 125 is the epitome of smoothness.
how can a component be smooth and resolving when they are adjectives having opposite connotations ?