Is any body going?


Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

I have always enjoyed going to THE Show (Newport Beach, June 3-5).  For me, the best part is discovering new music that I can listen to at home on my audio system. It is fun to visit the many rooms and listen. Yes, some rooms sound great and others not so great.   If you have any questions, this is a great place to listen and to get some answers.   

Everyone is very friendly, helpful and it is a great place to meet new people and see the new equipment.  The live concerts are great for listening to the real thing. It is amazing the prices I see on some of the equipment.  

It is a fun weekend.  THE Show in Newport Beach is highly recommended.

I suggest you visit On a Higher Note (distributor of high-end audio components ) located in the Pelican Hill Room.  Philip O’Hanlon’s demo using Vivid Speakers, Luxman and Merging Technologies are outstanding.   He usually uses LP's and switches to other inputs as needed.   His descriptions of the music are terrific.

For me, the best part, is that he publishes his demo playlists so that they can be added to your Tidal account. One playlist example is named “Box of Fun”, and it is terrific. See:

Please see the On A Higher Note web site for other playlists.   The On a Higher Note Room is a must listen and is highly recommended.