The Schroeder has arrived

My Schroeder Reference arrived over the holiday weekend. It has been a long wait but looks to be well worth it. The fit and finish on this tonearm is a work of art. The adjustments are actually very simple compared to many arms. Most adjustments are just a slight turn of a set screw. The arm sounds incredible. I have heard others say effortless. That seems pretty good to me as words really cannot describe how good this sounds in my system. I am still in the process of fine tuning and the wire is still breaking in so I guess it will probably sound even better. I am using a Shelter 901 on it and that seems to match up well. BTW, if anyone is looking to buy a Schroeder I would strongly suggest working with Thom at Galibier Design. He kept in contact with me throughout the lengthy waiting period and was excellent with the delivery and setup. I would though be interested to hear from any others that may have this tonearm and their thoughts on some of the cartridges that are a good match.

Showing 4 responses by dougdeacon

Congratulations! I've heard my Shelter 901 on a Ref (in Cello's system). It never sang on any arm like it sings on that one.

OTOH, the ZYX models Cello mentioned all outplay the 901 pretty easily. Flyingred is correct that the Airy 2's bass can be suspect in some systems and rooms. That is not an issue with the Airy 3 or (especially) the UNIverse however. The ZYX UNIverse/Schroeder Ref combo is the second best thing I've heard. The best ever was Frank's Lyra Olympus, but they don't make that any more. The UNIverse came so close to the Olympus that we had to go back and forth quite a few times to ascertain the differences.

Enough on cartridges. You've got one of the world's premier arms, which I'm sure you'll enjoy for life. It's a true work of art as well as the supreme expression of a great man's love for music and vinyl.

Thanks for reminding me about the Parnassus/platinum -> Olympus upgrade path. Frank did mention that and explained it just as you have. One friend of mine who owns a Parnassus is considering it. He also owns a UNIverse, so he'll be more spoiled than any audiophile has a right to be.

Thanks to you and Frank both for all the fine-tuning ideas. I'm sure all here would agree with your take on "responsive" vs. "finicky" components.

The second picture of you on Thom's owner's page is priceless. Kneeling at the alter of vinyl-dom! I genuflect before mine weekly, just to remind it who's boss.
A friend with much experience with the Denon 103 family believes the 5cu spec is for vertical compliance only. His measurements indicate a lateral compliance of about 10cu, much closer to the mainstream of cartrdiges. Does that tally with your experiments?

On the whole I'm with Raul on this topic. Science has only gone so far, and it's not far enough to provide all the answers. While gross mismatches should probably be avoided - unless you own 15 arms, 30 cartridges and love to experiment! - it is a waste of time trying to predict musical performance from mass and compliance numbers. There are other factors, not published in anyone's specs, that effect how any arm/cartridge combo will sound.