The rout is on for Blu-Ray

Best Buy & Netflix give up on HD-DVD:
Ag insider logo xs@2xncarv

Showing 1 response by chaskelljr2001

Oh...... I guess nobody's heard the BIG news yet.

Toshiba is also throwing in the towel on HD-DVD. So..... don't be surprised if you start seeing Toshibas going for dirt cheap pretty soon.

So now, Blue-Ray has the field all to themselves. So now, I guess it's going to be a Blue-Ray Player for me as well. But right now, I am still recovering from that Panasonic Plasma TV that I just recently purchased. It may take me a while to do that.

But anyway, I see adding a Blue-Ray machine to my home theater system sometime before the year is over. I think I am going to wait until the new ones come out in the fall and see what's going to be on offer then.

Until The Next Time!!!!!!


P.S.: Damn....... I'm glad I've held out and waited. I "KNEW" this shit was going to happen. I "JUST" knew it (LOL)!!!!!