The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!

I'm not a big Beato fan but he makes some good points at time. This is one of those times IMO. I know some of the younger generation will disagree with the whole premise. Being born in 1951 the boomer gen was hit with the same  indictment about the new Rock & Roll music. There was some truth in it. But we didn't care because we liked R&R. I expect the same from some today who like today's music. but I think if you listen you may find some morsels which can be enlightening. This is especially true for musicians who may find they agree wholeheartedly..

The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse


Showing 2 responses by gordon

The arc of music like literature, art, and architecture has been bending upward since the dawn of time, so I don’t understand the premise of the video.  As a boomer, I’d be happy to never hear music from the ‘60 and ‘70’s ever again.  The newer the music, the more I’m interested in it.

@dlevi67 I meant the present builds off the past, and thus advances it, whether it's knowledge, art, or music.  Of course the past contains great thinkers, artists, and musicians.  What makes the greats great is the ability to advance the status quo much further than the not-so-greats.  What made Einstein so great was both his intellect, and his ability to advance science in major ways.  The average physics professor today probably know more science than Einstein did, largely due to Einstein.  The same holds for the arts, IMO.