The rat’s nest of cabling. Large transformers in components.   My discovery.

Most equipment racks are up against the wall. For good reasons, space and aesthetics. This leaves minimal ability for cable and/or component management.

My equipment rack is away from the wall in an alcove – with a utility ground-level shelf behind it. When I separated the cables from each other as much as possible with assorted supports, my revealing system became even quieter - with better timbre & dynamics. And these cables were already well-insulated.

What improved the SQ even more was relocating the components with large internal transformers* – off to the side of the rack – away from the cables and source equipment. A lot of EMI was being emitted.

The same results when the components of the digital streaming chain were separated – as far as the cables would allow. Even having them at different heights** made a subtle difference.

It’s surprising how much noise is being generated by the audio system itself - internally & externally.   

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*My Class A SS amp and Balanced power conditioner.

** For different heights to put small components on, Home Goods has a fun assortment of small platforms – such as plant stands and ornamental pedestals.




Showing 1 response by sls883

I'm waiting on delivery of a new rack.  It's large enough to hold all of my gear and I bought extra shelves so I won't have to stack any components.  And I bought large casters for it so I can pull the rack out to connect everything and do a better job with cable management.  I have my gear in two different cabinets now and a messy job of cable management. 

Thanks for the suggestions.