The psychological factor

Since I got a new amplifier a while ago, I have hesitated putting the volume control on the preamp past 12 o’clock because that was never a good choice with previous amps.  I was afraid I would overload the system.  I now find that factor was depriving me of the best sound I could obtain.
Placing it now at 12 or above, I’m now finally enjoying what the amp is truly capable of.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like that.

Showing 3 responses by noble100

     I utilize the spacing, intensity and duration of my wife's incessant high amplitude screeches to "turn that friggin noise down", along with a quick subjective estimation of the quantity, size and weight of all the household objects being simultaneously thrown at my head,  as a general guideline pertaining to the proper setting of my preamp's volume control. 
     I really appreciate her altruistic devotion to the continued safe operation of my gear and hearing capacities.  Are all you guys and gals this lucky?

Bless her,

big_greg:" My preamp goes to 11. And yes, I've taken it there."

     Nice Spinal Tap reference, big g, my preamp's volume is digital and goes to a max on each input of 80 dBs.  That tops a random "11", right? 

  “ It's such a fine line between stupid, and uh… "


    There are early warning signs the volume's too high:

-The walls begin cracking.
-A window shatters.
-An earthquake warning is triggered.
-Your ears or eyes begin to bleed.
-You can't hear the jack hammer.
-Cops on your doorstep.
-My wife yelling and throwing things at you.

Handy hints,