The psychological factor

Since I got a new amplifier a while ago, I have hesitated putting the volume control on the preamp past 12 o’clock because that was never a good choice with previous amps.  I was afraid I would overload the system.  I now find that factor was depriving me of the best sound I could obtain.
Placing it now at 12 or above, I’m now finally enjoying what the amp is truly capable of.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like that.

Showing 1 response by danvignau

How much current your preamp can deliver matters, as well as the sensitivity of your amp.  My Audire Diffet 3 will push three amps with not problem.  Of course,  it needs more volume to do this, but never needs anything past 12:00.  It might push 5 or six amps.  Audire's Julius Siksnius was always a huge power supply freak, as indicated by his two 500 watt trannys and 8 26,000 mf caps in his 125 wpc amp, compared to two 375 watt trannys and 4 4000 mf caps in a Bryston 200 wpc amp.