The old timers give the young'ns tips on the 60s.

I love the music of the was such a magic time musically. Unfortunately I wasn't born yet. Of course, we young'ns know about the greats....CSN, Jefferson Airplane The Doors, Neil Young, CCR, the obvious ones...but it took me awhile to find Moby Grape, Richie Havens or Nick Drake. How about some tips of some great sixities music that somehow has dropped off the radar.

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

As I started reading your post I was thinking Moby Grape but you already found them. Try these:
Spirit - Twelve Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus, it holds up very well.
It's A Beautiful Day - It's A Beautiful Day.
Chicago Transit Authority, it's the first Chicago album and is still a fantastic album. Great songs, one of the best guitar players of the 60s, just a perfect snapshot of the times.
Quite a list there Stltrains. I'll ad a couple of Harrys, Nilsson and Chapin.
The Leon Russel suggestion is a good one.