The old timers give the young'ns tips on the 60s.

I love the music of the was such a magic time musically. Unfortunately I wasn't born yet. Of course, we young'ns know about the greats....CSN, Jefferson Airplane The Doors, Neil Young, CCR, the obvious ones...but it took me awhile to find Moby Grape, Richie Havens or Nick Drake. How about some tips of some great sixities music that somehow has dropped off the radar.

Showing 1 response by hitman_hifi

If we're talking late 60's, I suggest a few:

Jethro Tull - my all time favorite prog. rock band. Their style ranges anywhere from hard rock to blues to folk to...

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - suggest "Safe As Milk" to start out with as they can be an acquired taste. They're a unique mix of blues/jazz/rock/experimental all mixed into one.

Taj Mahal - Blues all the way.