Have a Willsenton R800i 845 and upgraded stock LinLai HiFi series 845 to Shuguang 845B, the Amperex 845 replica. HUGE improvement. Smooth, powerful, linear frequency range with great balance and force. Realize the Willsenton is not a Cary 805, but also have a Cary 300B SEI LX20 w KR 300B XLS power tubes, and way too many NOS pre-amp tubes to roll into both amps. The Willsenton uses a 300b as a driver tube and competes well against the Cary. A slightly different sound signature since Cary’s output tubes are 300B, but the Willsenton holds its own when it comes to sonic delivery. The Cary with KR tubes @ $1,000 pair does have a heavenly midrange from 300b output tubes that no other power tube can match.
Found a good deal on a pair of new Shuguang 845WE @ $400 pair which are on order, will report back once I have 100 hours on them. From what I’ve found on various sources, both Psvane and Shuguang 845WE are built based on both the WE 284 and RCA 845 construction. Psvane based on the 284A and the Shuguang based on the 284D. Not exactly sure what the combo of WE and RCA means, the WE 284 had a molybdenum plate and RCA 845 had a graphite plate? The Shuguang 845B is identical to the Amperex 845 design, again a great tube @ $240 pair. Once the Shuguangs arrive, I’ll compare to pictures of WE and RCA construction.