The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


I upgraded recently to ARC 160M monoblocks, and set them with two Orange fuses, one that I took from my old GS150, and another that was in the Ref6 pre, where is  now a glorious new Purple fuse). I carefully installed  the two fuses with the same direction they were ( along last  two years aprox) on the previous ARC gear, with the S iinside and near the fuse holder top, and the R deep inside the equipment.

Instead of the wow effect I was expecting ( I know very well the benefits of SR fuses namelly the Orange ones), I got somehow a mechanical, 2D image, sterile and harshness effect. I waited for the system to settle down two days, I checked all raised cables, conections, etc. Everything on order. But no improvement 🤔😔

Not very convinced.., I changed both fuses direction. And unexpectedly, WOW, that's it! 😳. Imediate transformation 😜👌. All life returned. Huge and fullfilled soundstage. Focus. Tridimensionality, Dinamics, No more blandness. An almost unbelieveble transformation. 

In conclusion. Direction matters, a lot. And I also suspect that the fuse signal is reversed built on the 160M if we compare it with the GS150 or Ref6 pre at least.

Anyone ever wonder how a fuse can be directional given that they’re an incredibly simple device and identical on each end?

I used the purple synergistic with my Innuos Zen MKIII and noticed a nice improvement in the sound quality, I then inserted a QSA Violet fuse and the improvement was substantially better. I believe the synergistic is very good but not in the same class as the QSA Violet which is more expensive but operates at a much higher level


tyray,  Would an audio HiFi Fuse do also in improvement in a CD-Transport ?  If I leave the CD-Transport on Stand-By, would it help for best burnin, or better Constant On Position ?

@ballhog - I’m using a QSA violet in my Atoll IN300 and it has made an amazing improvement over the yellow I had in it before. I’d love to try the red because I think that’s were the true magic begins. Not to change the subject but how do you like your Innuos Zen MKIII? Also, how much of a sonic improvement did the violet make in it?