The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


I have all orange fuses in both systems. i took my ohm meter and found which side of the horizontal fuse holder went to the incoming power from the cord. I placed the "S" side of the fuse there. Is this what others have done for directional correctness? 

I didn't use an ohm meter. Sounds like you've deployed them properly. Burn them in for 150-60 hours and reverse their direction. You should hear a sonic difference. 

I've moved over to the SR Purple fuses. 

Best of luck

One doubt - to burnin a fuse like the SR Purple is it enough to let it on a dac for exemple with roon feeding it, but with the pre, amp and speakers muted, off, this is to say, with signal just going in the dac where the fuse is, but without signal going out of the dac?