The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Showing 4 responses by highstream

While I await a couple of QSA Reds, my system has been using a combo of SR Oranges and mostly AM Ultimate Premiers. The SR Carbon Discs didn’t work so well here, so I exchanged them for a Purple fuse. It went into a PSA P15 regenerator, thus affecting everything else down the line. It’s got 60 hours now, so just an initial read pending another 8-10 days. What I’m hearing of its effects is a satisfying major improvement over the Orange in every way but one: on the tonally dry to lifelike continuum, it’s on the dry end. A great sense of presence but little emotional connection, sweetness. More like an observer of another’s emotions (but oh so lovely potrayed). Connection is something the Orange help do well. Hope that reverses…

@lordmelton All these type of fuses are up to 250V, 115V included, whether properly labeled or not.

Interesting experience last night. At 105 hours and wondering about continued "matter-of-fact" dryness, so turned it around in P15. Well, everything else turned to crap, but all of a sudden there was discernable warmth/sweetness! After maybe 20 minutes switched it back and the midrange was rough, but a fair element of warmth remained. Maybe the reversal shook up some molecules. To be continued...

The Orange is warm, with the top end less well controlled than the Purple. The Ultimate Premier a little less warm, but otherwise a clear improvement over the Orange. Just got an email that SR is running a 3-for-2 sale on the Purple through April. I’m going to wait another week before deciding. Timing is unfortunate, as I’d like to hear the Reds and upgraded preamp first, but don't know when either are going to arrive.

Ted Denny III wrote about burn in: “And you don’t need music running through the system, just leave equipment on where they’re applied.”

Ted, What does “on” mean? Wouldn’t a trickle current suffice for gear that has that, as opposed to necessarily turning on the component into operating mode?


@melton Have you asked the developer what those internal fuses do? I would think that the greatest benefit would come from changing the AC fuse, usually in back. That’ one feeds the power supply, which determines the quality of what’s supplied to everything else.