The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.



Showing 50 responses by nonoise

Nonoise actually religion has absolutely nothing to do with it
That was never implied. It was meant to be analogous.
Once the IAEA stepped in and forbade the use of certain metals in audio tubes, the sound changed for the worse. Decades of refinement and exacting attention to specs helped some but the sound of those tubes are gone forever, unless you source out NOS stock.

But it's just wire guys, right? So with tubes, it's just getters, plates, heaters and the like and they're so small that they can be made out of anything remotely similar, right? Just do it on the cheap. It still functions within specs, doesn't it?

All the best,
@fleschler  never said it happens with a fuse direction change (with regards to the field generated around the transformer). He stated the results were similar in the improvement of the sound. 

All the best,
George, you're projecting again re: grasping at any straw to avoid what you perceive to be a loss in an argument.
It's not.

       Keep Calm
        Carry On

All the best,
I try Frank, I really do. I have the best results when I just ignore certain people but when they make it personal and ugly....

I'll do my best as this thread has some really great things to offer. The proof is in the listening, if only some would listen.

All the best,

That’s a very good point. So far, the naysayers have demonstrated no function other than to derail a thread on fuses. Basically, all the arguments have been put forth with no resolution so it degrades into an acrimonious side show.

When something new or novel is proposed that was overlooked, silly criteria are put forth as a demand for "valid" results. That, and the incessant posting of the same thing over and over as if it’s expected to work by wearing someone down, like a Chinese water torture.
Drip, drip, drip....

It’s one thing to have an opinion on something. To proffer it and debate a bit, but this is nothing more than professional trolling.

There’s no avenue of recourse other than to flat out ignore them and simply speak around them, as one would do at a social event, pretending not to see them.

All the best,
If you've read through this thread (and the other fuse threads) you'd know the answer as I've stated it several times. 

In short:
For two years I was never a believer in fuse directionality. Out of boredom, I changed them. My "enjoyment", as you put it, was increased.
Recessed highs were now as pronounced as the rest of the sound. A certain, hard to ascertain phasey quality was gone, replace with solid imaging and more definition and detail. There was also an increase in what can be described as strength and impact with the music.

The difference is not subtle.

I had the same experience with three different brands. There's a 50/50 chance they'll go in the right way and easy to listen for the "clues" once you know what to listen for.

As to how you could be convinced that a better made fuse can benefit you when correctly oriented, that's a tall order my friend. The only answer is for you to try it for yourself. Nothing short of that will satisfy, as has so far been demonstrated.

All the best,

No, it wasn't done in a blind test. It was sighted. But as you already know, I don't subscribe to blind test parlor tricks, and I need to see what I'm doing when changing fuses.

Be forewarned, any amount of protests of "the need to be blind tested" will fall on (literally) deaf ears.

All the best,
This can only tilt in favour to the result of expectation bias for one way, and this result has no valid outcome
As to who it is that truly exhibits expectation bias, I submit it is you George. You seem to be painfully fearful of actually hearing a difference to the extent that you refuse to try it for yourself, lest you end up hearing what we all along have been enjoying. You could have solved this so long ago that it strains credulity. The fact that you continue speaks volumes.

All the best,

uberwaltz & oregonpapa,  

Why anyone would consent to being waterboarded by people who'd have no intention nor inclination to stop says it all.

All the best,
Also just found they are advertisers here on Audiogon.
Way ahead of ya on that one, George.
They've been here for a long time.

All the best,
Again, nobody has answered the question of why and how these things do whatever fuse fans claim they do.
Yes, we have, repeatedly. At least I feel it has most to do with better quality metals.
 those are merely opinions of whatever the listeners think they hear…and that's fine. 
Considering how an opinion is what is formed after an experience, how is that you can degrade it to something as belittling as merely? The same standard can be applied to the other side of this argument.

I don't need to have a manufacturer divulge their proprietary formulas for these things beyond what they've already said (graphene coatings, tesla coil bombing, quantum baloney)
But you just did at the start of your post.

Well, I know what I heard using my ears, a level meter, digital recording for waveform and level comparison, 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first I've heard of you using a digital recording for waveform and level comparison. What were your findings and how much did they differ? The waveform file that was mentioned earlier by another poster (with power conditioners) stated that the difference measured was small but when folded back in, the results were much better.

not spending 150 bucks each to test these things as once was enough for me, even with a 30 day return window

I know this is a thread on SR Blue fuses but your not required to buy them as there are other, less expensive brands out there that can give similar, though not comparable results. It would still be better than a stock fuse.

All the best,
Really!!! How would you know? 
This sounds like an admission of collusion with SR or employment, which is it???

Do you actually think you're onto something? Talk about reaching.
You have a very fevered imagination.

All the best,
Aha! Then you are trolling, aren't you George?
Try being constructive in this conversation.
Due to the relentlessness of you questions concerning testing for fuse directions, I can't tell if you're being too cute by half. You're kind to a fault but you keep asking the same thing over and over.

Pretty quiet in here tonight, no silly posts but I guess it is early yet...
That was a nice approach, after George posted his usual blather. He needs some new writers or he'll get cancelled by the producers.

All the best,
You just can't help yourself, ya just gotta keep it going, it's you there looking at.

It's you, George, not the mods. What was deleted was not offensive. The following post was along the very same line and it's still there. You've just take the low road and make everything personal. 

All the best,
nonoise, geoffkait - regarding the relentlessness of my questions as you put it, why not ask uberwaltz if he feels the same way about it as you do?
It's not how uberwatlz feels about it, but how I feel about it. I'm not defending or speaking up for uberwaltz. You've gone from an aggressive, in your face promoter of betting in order to settle this dispute on fuses to an oh-so-kind and endearing chap who constantly wants to know why one thinks a fuse could do what it does.

You asked me in such a manner as to become tiresome so I put a stop to it and now you move on to another, with the same approach, manner and questions.

I find it so curious.

All the best,

The same thing happened to me but I inquired and got my post reinstated after it was reviewed. There seems to be a desire to frame this thread in such a way so as to give legitimacy to one side over the other.


A long time ago had a friend who got his psychology degree from Berkeley and he had this habit of steering conversation through gentle manipulations to get a person to see things his way or just for the fun of it. 

I caught on rather quickly so he'd probe others and use people for his enjoyment. I'd always catch his eye and shake my head. It's something I haven't forgotten.

As to the topics being different, that's incidental as it's the tactic I sense you're using. It looks like you're trying to gently corner someone into that bet again. I could be wrong and would be glad to be but I've seen this before and it's uncannily like what I've experienced.

All the best,
The OP of any particular thread should also be afforded the function of removing any particular post and/or blocking a poster altogether from his/her thread. 
In the case of this thread, I agree. Oregonpapa (Frank) would probably love to have that ability to keep this thread going the way it was intended.

All the best,
In the case of which thread would you *disagree* with my suggestion?
None that come to mind. Are you of a mind to start one? 
I'd gladly sit that one out. 👍

All the best,
That was the most self contradictory thing I've read in a long, long time.
Certainly I've seen electrical engineers - the ones who don't have an investment in selling audiophile fuses - saying it's nonsense. 
Have you seen the video or read the posting of PS Audio's Paul McGowan stating that fuses do make a difference though he can't explain why? 

Further, my skepticism is based both on my own experience
Are you implying you've tried aftermarket fuses? Or are you able to divine that they don't work? It's difficult to figure where the mysticism lies.

All tweaks can't be conflated. If you've been following this thread, someone made an audio waveform copy of the same system with two different power conditioners and there was more info on one than the other. That slight trace of sound was distinguishable enough to recognize the music being played and it added to it, for the better.

Rather than sit on one's high horse and decry things, get on with it, try a fuse, or test one, or carry on yelling from the rooftops, which seems to be de rigueur for naysayers.

The view must be breathtaking though the air is thin. 

All the best,

Fascinating. I did not see that in this very long thread. Would you have a link?
It's from your post just a bit up from here:
Audiophile fuses, and especially the effusive subjective claims of the OP, are of a piece with markers on CDs, tinfoil pieces placed around a system, little "resonating" discs placed on components or around a room, and the countless other dubious beliefs held by many audiophiles.
And, you seem to forget that Paul McGowan had no idea what his friend was replacing as he put the new fuse in and took it out. All he heard was the sound getting better, then worse, then better, then worse. It was only afterwards, that his friend told him all he did was replace the fuse.

All the best,
So I would like to see the evidence you mention. And of course, even if there is a variation, the question remains open as to whether it amounted to an audible difference, and if the test for this was sighted...well...that just keeps it in the realm of problematic that I’m talking about.
I missed addressing this one. I have no evidence. It's from further up in this thread. Someone else ran it but I do see that you've already discounted the entire thing due to it's being conducted and evaluated by the same person since it was "sighted". 

Oh, for the days of the one eyed ruler in the kingdom of the blind.

I believe lots of people can do the kind of testing mentioned and it would be easy for you to find someone who can accommodate you. I'm not adept at that kind of thing. I do trust my ears enough to not bother.

All the best,

When I try something I listen, over the long run, to hear how and if it differs, and in which ways. It takes time to ascertain in some respects and is quite obvious in others. There's no expectation as in I know I'm going to hear something different. I let it sink it, like most things in life.

Nothing is on the line except my listening tastes. I know, by now, what to listen for (as in which areas have eluded me) and which areas need to be tamed.

I don't know where some people get the notion that anything you hear is immediately suspect and to be doubted, that it has to be tested, double tested, blind tested, done many times over by groups of people who will never come to consensus on the matter. Too many tests and too many people introduce too many variables. That's crazy talk, in my world.

For anyone out of left field to come into my world and tell me I can't possibly trust what I hear gives me the creeps. Plain and simple. I think I've been more than tolerant on the matter.

My senses have served me well all my life. I've only encountered such animus when discussing politics or religion. All this negativity in audio has been a recent phenomenon for me, relatively speaking, and I've only witnessed it hear on forums and sites like this one. 

People I know stay the hell away from places like this for that very reason. Passion is one thing. Zealotry is another. Mix in the current trend for tribalism and there's really no going back. It's going to get worse. That old genie is not going back into the bottle. 

Don't take this the wrong way but do enjoy your Quixotic quest as you try to save folk from themselves. I don't need convincing as there's always that 30 day policy to return something if it doesn't work out for me. 

All the best,

It’s an incredible confidence in your own subjective assessments, 
Nope. I'm the most cautious person you'll ever meet. Almost to a fault.
And, I'm totally with you on the purpose and need for science. Big time.
But when it comes to expectation bias, I don't see how it applies here as I never know what to expect. I'm not looking for a big improvement. I wait, listen, evaluate, and proceed, keep it or return it.

Kind of sciencey, wouldn't you say?

I feel for your son and what you and your family went through but the medical analogy isn't a good one. The times frames are so far off as to make them non comparative. That, and the incredible amount and range of emotions and fears. 

A more fitting one would be tuning a car by ear. Back in the good old days those who didn't have a strobe had to do it by ear. Distributor timing, valve tappets, jetting carbs, etc. Or adjusting the temp of the water in the shower just by listening (yes, I can tell and I hope anyone in this hobby can do that basic task). 

As for hearing above what my hearing test says is impossible, don't forget harmonic overtones (ask any pipe organ fitter). One can't hear above a test tone but can discern musical information up there where it "can't" be heard. Add in a super tweeter and all those harmonics that can't be heard suddenly change the event for the better. Add in a sub and suddenly you have presence that you can't hear but feel and even sense, before you can feel.

So, no, I don't think science has it all wrong and I honestly don't see how you could come to that conclusion simply because I can hear the difference a fuse makes, without first doubting myself and then testing myself. 

Try it for yourself and then tell us what you heard. Once you've tried it, it'll be prima facie, with no need to go any further. You'll scratch your head, ponder for a moment, then smile and just enjoy the music.

All the best,


You, of all people, have the necessary resources and dare I say, time, to try a fuse. Same with being able to record and measure it. Simply saying the evidence is wanting enough to not compel you to give it a try rings false. Where is the science lover in that?

It could be a settled matter for you in short time, instead of a nagging belief that it couldn't be. If your co-workers share the same view as you, just tell them it's to shut up, once and for all, we audiophools over on this site.

All the best,

I appreciate the feedback but I think you're much too rigid an objectivist (not the Ayn Rand type). 

As a discipline, it's fine. As a guiding principle, sure, but the lengths you go to border on religion: not to be violated at any cost. That I can't abide.

Just. Try. A. Fuse. 

All the best,

What  a load of hooey. Your word smithing is admirable as is you sophistry but stringing together some choice words and presenting them in such a manner so as to suppose a higher ground of sorts is just hubris, pure and simple.

That's pretty much a typical reaction from folks who just don't want to admit their own perceptions could be in error.
a misleading deceit

And, no, the typical tossing of the word "religious" doesn't stick. It's an anti-dogmatic stance where we simply acknowledge the truth of our own fallibility, and are willing to challenge our own beliefs and perceptions.
sure it does---a flat out denial without true benefit of debunking amounts to just another load of hooey 

It is dogmatic and hubristic to think one's own perception is the Ultimate Arbiter of reality, operating above all the errors to which we know human perception and judgement is susceptible.
right back at ya, pal

As for your music server, how long did you listen to it before deciding it sounded the same as your previous one? Listening over the long haul is the only way to correctly ascertain it. Was it burnt in, or do you not believe in such things? If not, don't bother addressing this one.

And if the claim is being demonstrated by the same way every other implausible audiophile tweak is demonstrated - audiophiles simply claiming "I heard a difference!" - why would I think THIS tweak is different?
another purposely misleading statement that requires one to accept that all other implausible tweaks are done by the same people for the same reason

Have you read/seen this article: Scientific Proof Is A Myth?

All the best,


It's all good. 👍
In the end, we all arrive at our musical destination.

All the best,
  1. information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
I think it’s finally gotten to me when certain people here bandy about the word, hearsay. If a "fuser" (as one particular person loves to say) reports that he’s heard a difference with fuses, it’s not hearsay. If someone else were to say it without benefit of trying it, it would be hearsay, just like if someone were to say it simply can’t be, without trying it for themselves.

Sometimes, the biggest offenders are the most pious of us all.

All the best,

That was beautifully expressed, indeed. I only meant that last line as a bit of snark, along the same lines as you expressed, as in: those with the least (or shaken) faith tend to proselytize the most, as if to make up for something lost, or lacking, in themselves. 

All the best,

He did say it struck a nerve when I mentioned 'pious', or at least piqued his interest. I just give him the benefit of the doubt of simply venting after reading this long thread before chiming in. 

Maybe on a different day it would have struck me the wrong way and got my hackles up but today it didn't. Somedays my thin skin can get really thick.

All the best,
BTW this is the only thread, I frequent that is so toxic, all others there maybe disagreements, but they are quickly nullified, but not here. 
Could it be that no one here is bending to your will (such as it is)?
Does nullified means agreeing with you?
I ask because it's not going to happen. 

All the best,
Just so you know, I'm an atheist. I appreciated Ivan's post because it's well written and parallels some of what I feel. I don't see it as the kind of attack it's being made out to be, rather an observation on how he sees things, which everyone here, myself included, does. 

If someone directs a rebuttal expressly at me, I'll answer in kind. But just to give voice to something that's hard to pin down shouldn't anger anyone. We're all reaching to find the words to express ourselves.
If it should hit close to home, maybe some introspection is in order. A nerve can be struck, but it doesn't mean it's expressly directed at you.

All the best,

He's also seems to be off on a tangent. As the last back and forth went through it's motions, he chimed in from out in left field.

Axial-leaded Fuses
The benefit of using axial leaded fuses is that they are typically cost-effective and easy to install whereas the primary negative factor is that they are not so easy to replace in the field.

It's just cost cutting and not "anti-fuser". I've read on other forums where people just went and did what mapman suggested and broke out the soldering iron, trashed the standard fuse, inserted a fuse holder, and went and got their desired aftermarket fuse.

And, if you ever get the upgrade bug, Clones Audio and OppoMod both sell better power supply boards with a fuse holder.

All the best,

Glad to see it irritates you, as it all got some cred behind it
Wrong. Again. It's already been pointed out why as well. Go back and try to read up on this.

Is "waffle" a down-under term? Up-over here, it means to vacillate and no one who believes that aftermarket fuses work has changed their minds, or positions on the matter.

All the best,
I can see how you would consider it vague if most of it goes right over your head. As to lack of any useful information, if you chose to ignore it, what more can one do?

Any point that's brought up you simply ignore, gloss over, or discount as not good enough without really explaining why. It's like talking to a wall. Come to think of it, a wall would be more engaging.....

All the best,
Don’t do this as paying up front conjures up "expectation bias" and many are "saying" it takes longer than 30days to so called "burn-in".
Instead ask for a sample to be sent out and if you like it you’ll pay for it, if not you’ll send it back at their expense, some one else bought this up a while back with this great solution, and this takes all things like "expectation bias" and "burn-in time" out of the equation.
If George’s statement is true - that SR demands payment prior to the time they also state said fuse takes to "burn-in", while also at the same time don’t allow/provide no questions asked return policy - clearly there would be "expectation bias" at play. 
Is this an example of "dizzying intellect"? Because I'm dizzy trying to make sense of it. Both have all the bravado of a "gotcha!" moment but it's nonsensical on it's face.

Substitute practically anything else you might buy with the same return policy in play, have someone you know laugh in your face for buying under said policy, and you'd rightfully think him nuts.

All the best,
Your response relates perfectly to what I said about you earlier: it either goes right over your head or you just ignore it. Rebuttals make more sense when you stay on topic.

All the best,
Could be. 🤔   All powders used in fuses are there simply to inhibit arcing after the wire melts. That, and it prolongs the life of the wire considerably as/if it goes through repeated/constant current surges. The powder is usually run of the mill, as long as it won't ignite. 

Let the speculators run amok. 🤺👟🤷🏻‍♂️

All the best,
I would think it due to it’s ability to quell vibrations. As a conductor, if bonded to metals (covetics) it would able to withstand 1500º C before melting, defeating the the fuse wire’s intended purpose.

Ceramics were a definite step up over glass and what SR uses is a step up from ceramics (if it is used over the ceramic tube). I could be wrong but I just did a quick read on covetics which eliminates the metal wire/graphene bonding question.

All the best,

I think George must have been a trap door spider in his previous life. All he does is wait, lurk, and pounce at the slightest thing. It must be frustrating as all get out to have lost the argument so long ago and instead of going on with life, just repeats his mantras, catchphrases and the like to sooth his ego.

Geoff, if it's not to help with vibrations, I can't hazard a guess.

All the best,
Are you forgetting that "micro arcing" occurs where things are connected?
Like when the fuse wire is soldered to the "inside" of the end cap?
Do you think that the fuse wire just lays against the inside of the end cap?
Do you see graphene on the outside of the end cap?
If it was, people would have figured it out already, genius.

By the way, I'm talking about the graphene that's used on the SR fuse and not the TC product.
Are you**************!!!!

All the best,
If there were micro arcing on the end caps of mains fuses, you would see burn pits all over them, more "snake oil"
Are you saying you can see inside a fuse's end caps?
That's amazing George.
As for noise, if there were any, which I highly doubt
So you're not 100% sure? Nice to're getting there.
The only reason a fuse may sound better after it’s replaced with either the same standard one or "snake oil one" is because of ageing, too may turn on cycles will age any fuse and cause it to deteriorate. All explained below.
Nope. That's been discounted already George. High rupturing fuses (the type that aftermarket fuses are modeled after) are filled with powder to keep them from arcing when specs are exceeded. A side benefit is that it greatly reduces heat and aging (the correct way to spell it) which prolongs the life of the fuse, many times that of a cheap, off the shelf fuse. Google it if you don't believe me.

All the best,