The new Rogue pharaoh II slams

I recently downsized my stereo to reclaim my apt living room, switching from revel 228 towers to jbl L100 limited additions, and sold my beloved Rogue M180 dark monoblocks and other front end gear, and needed a good intergrated amp to replace all those big boxes. Since I had experience with Rogue I decided to take a chance on the new Rogue Pharaoh II and boy am I glad I did. I cannot comment if or how it’s different sounding than the original but the Mk II kicks ass with the Jbls putting out 400 wpc into the speakers 4 ohm load! The slam and bass control is stunning, AND AT LOW VOLUME LEVELS!!! It’s also amazingly clear and transparent throughout the full frequency spectrum, with a non existent noise floor, The soundstage is huge, and once again you can hear all of this at low volume levels which is very impressive. Rogue knocked it our of the park with this integrated amplifier, although I loved the sound of my old tube monos this integrated actually does somethings better for a lower cost! If you are looking for a new amp/pre amp combo or integrated amp you have to go hear one of these, I bet it will surprise and impress you as much as it me, bravo Rogue Audio, well done!


Showing 1 response by lradder

I too owned the Cronus Magnum II and rolled it with RCA Clear Tops. I absolutely loved the sound with my Sonus faber Sonetto IV's. Even my brother-in-law with a considerably larger audio investment loved the sound result. But there were a few little nagging issues like hot tubes with grandkids that made me consider the Pharaoh. When Mark O'Brien announced the Pharaoh II I became interested but somewhat fearful of any loss of "tube" sound. After research, I took the plunge (credit Taylor at Gold Print Audio, and Mark and Nick at Rogue) and I cannot be happier. I rolled the RCA Clear Tops into the Pharaoh II and I'm contently blown away with sound result. Dead quiet noise floor, amazing bass, unbelievable mids and highs, and a killer soundstage! So good even my wife said "it really sounds good". With all of my concerns waylaid, I can't recommend the Pharaoh II enough. Give the Pharaoh II a listen, if not a purchase. You will be impressed! Great job Mark! Congrats on a real winner!