The new OPPO Digital UDP-203 question

Hi.  Not sure if anyone already answered this but I read a Nov (inside) review of this new model to be launched in Dec/Jan and it was mentioned that it's not going to include on-line streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube.  Can anyone absolutely confirm this?  That would be a deal killer for me.  What about the coming UDP-205?  Will that be launched with these streaming apps?

Showing 1 response by macbrett

Most TVs produced in the last few years already come with built-in apps for NetFlix, YouTube and other streaming services. And if your TV doesn’t, there numerous inexpensive set top boxes and dongles available that do support these services (Roku, AppleTV, Chromecast, etc.) So why should this be a deal breaker? The Oppo is an outstanding mult-format disc player. I personally wouldn’t buy a lesser quality unit just to get these streaming services bundled in.