The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"

My review on the Stereo Times website on the LSA Signature 50 speaker was posted this morning. I believe that you GON members would enjoy the details why I refer to this monitor as a "Disruptive Product" regarding it's cost vs. performance ratio. Take a look at the review for the details of why my time with the Signature 50 was so much fun and has lead to hours of musical enjoyment.

Teajay (Terry London)


Showing 1 response by wally_c

I received my Signature 50s today, and I have to say for the $499.99 I paid for these, I find it hard to believe they can manufacture these for anywhere near that price. The FedEx man asked me if there were in fact a pair of speakers in the box. When he handed the box over to me, I was shocked at the weight! Has to be about 55 to 60 pounds. Also, the pictures that have been shown in the various review, don’t do these justice. I will check back in after they are broken in, but thus far I am loving what I am hearing from these.