The"new" look Capitole

Well looks very much like the current version without the knobs.The display is longer and appears to have a more satin finish.Now for when we will see it.I cannot move the picture to this thread since I have problems with MSN.If you need the picture I can forward it to you.

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

Ral, i tend to agree with your comments regarding the slightly "euphonic" nature of the Capitole when i compared it to my Linn CD-12. the slightly "tubey" sound added bloom and layering at the expense of detail and texture.

the main culpret here seemed to be the volume control on the "old" Capitole. when i used the Capitole volume control "all the way open" and instead attenuated with my Placette RVC the detail and texture increased closer to my CD-12 at the expense of some bloom and layering. this indicated to me that the volume control on the "old" Capitole is somewhat "colored" (a bad thing to me but maybe not to everyone in every system)......the question is "is the volume control in the "new" Capitole more neutral?

if the new Capitole has a more neutral volume control many that need or like the "color" of the "old" Capitole volume control for proper tonal balance in their system may prefer the "old".

i have been told that some 192/24 Capitole owners have "bypassed" the internal volume control and improved the performance by adding an RCA output before the volume control......this lines up with my experience. if you do the math Audio Aero can't put a world class volume control in this machine.

i do think the "old" 192/24 Capitole is maybe the 2nd best cd player i have ever heard in any case.