Hi Teajay, My pleasure and will do. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted. It's great that you are very familiar with the #8 from your prior thorough analysis of it. Your conclusions on how the S5.5 compares to the #8 are of high interest. Looking forward to your S5.5 review and keep up the superb work!
Terry, Your prior review on the No. 8 amp from Coda was very influential in my long thought out decision to purchase the CSiB. No regrets. It offers in my system everything you stated about the No.8 and what Richard Willie reported in his review in Stereo Times. I was researching amps for a couple years and very pleased with the CSiB decision. I am planning to replace my McIntosh MC2125 amp and looking seriously at the S5.5. I spotted it on the Destination Hi-Fi site a few months ago. Seeing your comments have revved me and I plan to talk with Doug Dale and James at Destination Hi-Fi. Both gentlemen have been extremely helpful to me. The quality and sound from the CSiB has narrowed my amplification preference to one manufacturer- Coda. Great quality, sound and value.
Terry, how do you feel about using the CSiB V1 preamp outs to control the S5.5? My other option is an ARC SP-8 Tube preamp that still performs well? I did some comparisons between the CSiB pre outs and the SP8 pre with a separate power amp (Mac MC2125). The 07x preamp section of the CSiB came very close to sounding like the SP 8 tube preamp in overall flavor; however, with improved detail/resolution, bass control, smoothness and a much quieter dark background and cleaner, more evident micro and macro dynamics. And the SP8 sounds beautiful so the Class A preamp section of the CSiB V1 has certainly surpassed my expectations. Coda=Impressive!!! What do you think though about the synergy of either of these preamps with the S5.5? I plan to touch base with Doug Dale at Coda as well on this. His knowledge and experience has been invaluable to me on prior calls and he is just great to talk with and learn from. With high respect, I do want to thank you for steering me to Coda with your No. 8 review! If you are excited about the S5.5; that's really enough for me to place an order. Thanks again!
Joe M
Thanks Teajay for your thoughtful reply and advice on the preamp. I'll use the Csib pre outs. I agree, the synergy should be better and do appreciate your insight on this. I'll definitely tell Doug you said hello and get into some further discussion with him on the S5.5. I was leaning to it before I saw this thread, only uncertain if I should just get the #8 or the S5.5 as a second amp, so really appreciate the heads-up you have provided us on the Coda S5.5. Definitely sounds like the way to go. I wasn't familiar with AricAudio; however, from one your posts, I became interested and checked out the AricA site. I am impressed with the Motherlode Mk II and XL preamps and for my needs leaning to the Mk II line stage. You commented it goes well with the S5.5. That's good enough for me; I'm a believer and will let Aric know how I found out about him! Thanks again!
Joe M
I am very interested in your feedback on the S5.5's with the Caladan's. It should be Stellar! What is the preamp section? Thanks, joe
iovi66 and tmac1700,
Your comments are very much appreciated and I second both your comments on Doug Dale and Coda. I had a lengthy phone conversation with Doug Dale a couple of days ago. I cannot praise Doug and Coda enough. Doug is a pleasure to talk with, so knowledgeable , possessing exemplary ethics and integrity! I am so thankful I tuned into this company and certainly Terry London and James of Destination HiFi were very influential in my decision.
I am now trying to decide on adding a Coda No.8 or S5.5 to my current CSiB and control either with the internal ss preamp (07x topology based) in the CSiB. I was initially leaning to the S5.5 and I believe it should perform very well only in talking with Doug, the topic of current came up for my maggies and possibly a set of Totem Acoustic speakers I am considering. Doug's views are steering me more in the direction of the No. 8 and he is right on the advantages of the CSiB essentially controlling twin No. 8s over an S5.5 and a No.8. You can't go wrong with either amp though, only I may want to experiment with my ARC SP-8 tube amp and not so sure it's going to have as a good a synergy with the S5.5 as the No.8.
Final decision on this not made yet and in no hurry. Any comments on tube preamp synergy with the S5.5 and No.8 are factors in the decision process, along with the need for more current with some of my speakers. I see vthokie83 is proactively having AricAudio modify the Motherlode XL tube preamp, so his feedback on that will be interesting. For every problem there is a solution; it's finding it that's the challenge. Thanks again all, joe
Thank you for your reply and we’ll patiently wait for your S5.5 and Caladan’s to settle in. Looking forward to your review comments on both the S5.5 and Caladan’s, as well as the Motherlode XL down the road.
Not sure if you have any experience with Klipsch quasi horn speakers such as the Heritage line Forte 3, 4 or Cornwall 4. If you do, my interest in your opinion as to how the Caladan’s compare isn’t a matter of which sounds better to you as they will be definitely different, but more of what you feel are their relative strengths and weaknesses. Understandably, this is only possible if you have had some experience with the quasi horn speakers mentioned. Thanks again for your comments on the S5.5, Caladan’s, and the Motherload XL, as all three are on my ’candidates of high interest’ list! Thanks again, joe
Thank you for the information on current for the AGD Class D amps. I was just curious and actually those current values are quite excellent for Class D topology imo. The AGD amps do look to be excellent instruments getting great reviews. Thank you again.
I have no experience with any of the Coda preamps; however, suggest taking an online look at Terry London’s review in Stereo Times on the 07X. Based on his findings, the 07x sounds absolutely phenomenal! It would be surprising if the lower cost CB or CP preamps yield as satisfying a performance as Terry reports for the 07x.
To quote Terry's review conclusions on the 07X "It is the best synthesis of what solid-state has to offer (transparency, clarity, low frequency extension, control, micro details and slam/speed) and of what tubes have to offer (tonality, color, holographic imaging, three dimensionality, and soundstaging with a sense of air around the individual instruments) that I have heard in over thirty years listening to scores of preamplifiers." Placed on Stereo Times "Most Wanted Components of Te Decade" list!
I am guessing the lower cost CB and CP preamps are excellent but not in the 07x league. Then again, depending on the total synergy of all system components with any of these preamps, anything may be possible. More likely though, the 07X will win the race by a decent margin, providing the overall system synergies for all preamps (CB,CP, 07x) being compared are on an even keel. Just a guess from the 07x review.
Jeff, Outstanding review and your system is absolutely awesome. Your report in conjunction with Terry’s heads up on GON clinched my decision for an amp. S5.5. Thank you!
Question now is why should any audiophile look anywhere else?
CODA Technologies and Doug are totally worthy of this success story and the benefits it will reap! Coda-Great products and customer focus and support!
Thanks again Jeff for the stellar review of the S5.5.
I wouldn't rush into anything. See how the S5.5 sounds off the Accuphase. It may totally meet or exceed your expectations. I have two 45 yr old preamps that still sound great (to me), a Mac C27 (SS) and an ARC SP-8 (8 tube pre). I also do have a Coda CSiB V1 integrated; the preamp stage is some hybrid of a CB and 07x. My favorite of all is the SP-8. The CSiB preamp section is excellent though and very comparable to the SP-8 performance using either to drive a Mac MC2125 amp. I wouldn't sell the SP-8 or CSiB for a 07x to drive a S5.5, being very satisfied with the CSiB sound, quality, design, features. I am expecting the preamp section of it (similar to CB) to work fine with the S5.5. TBD. The SP-8 synergy is questionable. I definitely like good tube based preamps though so if buying separates, I myself would look in that direction, but get good guidance on synergy. The best way is trial testing in one's room if possible.
There have been some posts in this thread on Aric Audio Motherlode tube preamps that Terry London speaks highly of. Pricing is in between the CB and 07x. If your Accuphase sounds great to you though, that synergy may beat other separates so why gamble? If you are not satisfied with The Accuphase preamp section though, patience and careful research will pay off. You have numerous choices for your preferred budget. Ask Terry @johnah5 .
I am in a similar search for a pre amp for the S5.5 for my 99db Forte 3’s and from just doing paper research on preamp, am leaning towards Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4 or Rhythm 1.4 balanced line stage. Would have to part with my 1yr old perfect CSiB, new mint Technics 1210GR TT in box, Mac C27 pre, ARC SP8 pre and Mac MC2125 amp first for the economics to work out but seriously considering doing that.
On the S5.5, its WPC rating is 50wpc @ 8 ohms class A. 100wpc @ 4 ohms AB. 100 amps. My concern is if Magnepans can be comfortably driven with the S5.5 (86 db, 4 ohm, require high current) without stressing the amp. Any input on how the S5.5 handles Maggies or electrostats is of definite interest! Thanks.
Thank you for your helpful input. I am in no rush as well, and am definitely interested in how the Backert Rhythm/ S5.5 performs vs the Backert/AGD with the speaker(s) you have in your system. Please keep us posted. Thanks again!
Hi Terry, do you have solid confirmation from Doug at Coda that the S5.5 puts out 100wpc at 4 ohm in Class A, not AB (or some hybrid?)? I recommend checking on this just to be sure just for sake of accuracy. The S5.5 is sonically a great performer irrespective of this, but please confirm with Doug what happens above 50 watts or below 8 ohms regarding amplification class for the S5.5. Thanks.
Thanks Teajay and glad to hear the S5.5 doubles down to 100 Class A watts into 4 ohm. Interestingly enough, the No. 16 amplifier is reported to deliver the first 100 watts as Class A into 8 ohms or 4 ohms, and above 100 watts, it's Class AB).
When I spoke with Doug last week I did get a different answer. Maybe I heard wrong or there was some misinterpretation so I won't go into the details. I don’t know why they (Coda Tech) don’t state it on the Coda site specs or put in print in the manual instead of only stating 50WPC Class A into 8 ohm. Maybe it’s just me but if you can double down to 100WPC into 4ohm Class A, don’t hide it, flaunt it.
I know the dealers say 100WPC into 4ohm but it’s ambiguous to me if I don’t see "A" specified, so I was thinking that’s AB. The S5.5 is certainly an outstanding amplifier and quite a value! What are specs anyway? Performance is what matters and the 100 amp current the S5.5 and 16 have are doing the job quite well!
Again, thank you!
On your last point on the #16 and this is from the manual as well as Teajays past review on the 16 powerhouse amplifier.
No.16 is 150wpc/8 AB, 300wpc/4 AB with the first 100watts being pure Class A into 8 ohms or 4 ohms. When CODA states the No. 16 is "100 Watts of Pure Class A Precision Bias Operation" , with no impedance qualifiers, it translates to the amp being a 100 Watt Pure Class A amp for 8 ohm or 4 ohm loads. Above 100 watts at either impedances, transitioning enters into Class AB as per above spec maxima.
Added HP in the #16, so the amp does not stress at lower impedance is; 3Kv power supply, 280,000 uf capacitance and of course the Coda magic; >100amps current.
Thank you for your helpful comments as always! Much appreciated!
To all from my previous posts, Doug may have been extra conservative with me because I am in a Magnepan LRS+ phase. I really am not a specification person at all and it's odd I even raised this question. I believe it was truly intended to help others on this thread, in case any of us were placing a specification as a key criterion for purchasing the amp, that there were no unintentional or inadvertent oversights, misunderstandings or false presumptions here . There certainly doesn't appear to be any. And would it even matter if there were any? Probably not!
The S5.5 is hitting the ball out of the park for everyone, so that has much more practical value to us than specs or what is printed in the manuals. I totally agree with YYZ though that specs are important; however, the bottomline is how a component sounds to each user, in their room with their equipment and their music. Teajay loved the sound these S5.5's were producing and everyone else does too. That says it all! I am not chancing it with Maggies though. Doug steered me back to my CSiB. Enjoy the music! YYZ thanks again for chiming in! Best, joe
Thank you Aric for your fast reply and the information. I can picture them better now on their stands; the Spectre 12 w/stands being about the same height as a Magnepan LRS+ . I think that's a great height for the ribbon tweeter too! Excellent!
I have been looking at the products you offer and various reviews along with comments on this thread and am very impressed with the products you have to offer, your high quality ethic, and the fact that you have a strong customer focus based on your guidance to customers for their specific applications. Thanks again, and when I am ready to move on changing some of my components, you are right at the top of my list! Thanks again. Best, joe
Hey, TJ. Those new Spectre 12 speakers from Aric Audio look really impressive! High quality! In your post you refer to them as a "large stand mount". The Spectre 12’s are very close to the size and weight of a Klipsch Forte 3/4 floor stander. The published dimensions for the Spectre 12 on Aric’s site are 35" x 14" x 13"; is that just for the speaker itself, which I am guessing is the case, or does that published 35" height include the stand as well which accompanies the S-12’s?
Anyway, I am curious on the stands that are provided with the Spectre 12’s. If they are not included in that 35" height, how much higher do the included stands elevate the Spectre 12? And are the stands wider and/or deeper than the speaker itself ? Also, do you hard attach the stand to the speaker, or does the speaker simply rest on the stand? What are the stands made of (metal, wood, other?); if wood,do they match the speaker cabinet?
In your listening tests how are the off-axis highs from the Spectre 12's Ribbon?
If you have the complete dimensions for the stand itself, please share those with us. There were no photos of the Spectre 12 on its stand on Aric’s website unless I missed them. I am of course assuming the stands are not part of the published Spectre 12 dimensions of 35" x 14" x 13" off Aric’s site. Thanks Teajay! Joe
What was your music source gear feeding the serene and the passive?
Great find on a simpler, cost effective, yet capable, passive path! Kudos to you and your friend!
Does this sound like a correct interpretation based on your recent post and my discussion with Doug. In a sense the S5.5 is a 50 WPC at 8ohm Class AB amp (it may be even slightly higher) except the first 50 watts are Class A; so it's a genuine 50WPC Class A amp for 8 ohm impedance. I am saying this because of how the No. 16 amp is rated in the manual as follows "150 WPC Class AB at 8 ohm (first 100 watts are Class A". For the S5.5, the doubling to 100WPC at 4 ohm and 200WPC at 2 ohm is not Class A but rather Class AB. None of these power specs matter much though because what does matter is how well the amp is producing phenomenal audio. For the S5.5, at 4 ohm impedance the Class A WPC rating would therefore indeed be less than 50WPC (40 WPC Class A is reasonable) and at 2 ohm's even less wpc for the given output voltage of the amplifier.
Again, the power ratings don't really matter. The S5.5 manual states only the key spec (50 watts into 8 ohm Class A). The sound the amp produces is what matters. The S5.5 is certainly looking like a phenomenal Class A amp and a true great value.
I have reviewed specs of countless amps and haven’t found one yet, no matter if it is called a Class A amp or Class AB that gives you the information you are asking for; rather you will get what each manufacturer decides to give you as your guide. And power is not always the best gauge to sound quality or speaker drive capability.
Best explained maybe by a few examples. PASS Labs calls their INT-25 a Class A integrated amp and it’s rated at 25 amps Class A into 8 ohms. That’s all the power spec you get; yet it does transition into AB beyond that 25 watt limit or at lower speaker impedances (but is doing it AB even if it isn’t stated). The same PASS Labs calls their INT-60 a Class AB integrated amp, with a single power spec listed as 60WPC AB into 8 ohm. That’s all. But that amp is Class A for the first 30 watts into 8 ohm. There are countless examples. The bottom line is a Class A SS amp is going to have some region where it performs as AB and vice versa, just as you mentioned is the case for your Parasound amp. There is no apparent requirement for any manufacturer to give you the data you want to know. Yes it can be confusing at times. It becomes complicated though to know what the power ratings boil down to in terms of the WPC at various impedances for both Classes. So the specs manufacturers give are often limited, but serve to tell you something about where the component’s strength resides. And for the S5.5 it starts with 50WPC Class A in 8 ohms. Where it finishes though is at your ears and from all the reviews posted in this thread, it finishes in 1st place, by a wide margin.
This probably hasn’t helped your confusion on this but is an attempt to explain that you are not likely to find answers to the questions you ask in your post and even if you could, they won’t always relate to how good the component is going to perform.
It was explained earlier that the lower power side of the S5.5 allows the use of some unique transistors which are the reason behind the stellar sound being reported by everyone who has purchased the S5.5 amp on this thread, and these are critical listeners. The eye opening accurate reports of Terry London and all these users carries far more credence than any thorough list of power specs could ever convey (imo). Hope this helps some and any confusion on power ratings is understood and shared by many; however, in rare cases such as this Coda S5.5 thread, there just may be a more accurate criterion to focus on. Like who is winning all the races.
Thank you Mark! Yes agree and I should have made that clear. The S5.5 is still giving Class A into 4 ohm and likely lower impedances too but at power below 50 watts. Even 40wpc Class A power is excellent though because that should suffice for most speakers unless the speaker is really tough to drive.
I was looking for an integrated and bought my CSiB in 2023 and really like it. I know the S5.5 would sound better but they each have their pluses. The CSiB is V-1 so the first 18wpc into 8 ohm is Class A. It is 150wpc 8 ohm/300wpc 4ohm/600wpc 2ohm all AB. I still get some Class A at 4 ohm but maybe 9wpc or less which is good enough for an 8 ohm Forte 3 speaker. It drives LRS+ superbly but is all AB and the high current is key. If I feel I need or want another amp though, the S5.5 is definitely my number one choice! Teajay and this thread are very convincing! I just hope Coda doesn't run out of those magic transistors.
Thanks for your kind words. I have been into audio for 50+ years and am still an amateur. I know just enough to be dangerous. I am certain any electronic engineer in the group can pick this apart; however, I think it gets the general idea across. And again, it's not worth a hill of beans. The sound is what counts. So here is additional clarification jetter. At least I hope it is clarification.
You are partially correct, but as Aolmrd commented, the Class A S5.5 amp does produce Class A audio at impedances actually below and above 8 ohms but with different power ratings, typically below the AB power ratings especially for lower impedances such as 4 ohm and lower. The following example is strictly for illustration only; the actual WPC values stated are not to be taken as fact but for illustrative purpose only. This shows why, whether the amp is called AB or A, that it can exhibit both classes depending on its electronic architecture, driver impedances, and current potential. This illustration is for the S5.5.
1) Class A, 8 ohms, up to 50 WPC; above 50wpc into 8 ohms is AB; For lower impedances above 50 WPC --->Class AB, 4ohms up to 100WPC AB, 2ohms up to 200wpc AB.
2) Class A, 4 ohms, up to 40wpc; above 40wpc into 4 ohms is AB
3) Class A, 2 ohms, up to 15wpc; above 15 WPC into 2ohms is AB
S5.5 is called a Class A amp based on 50wpc Class A into 8 ohms but you can see it's more complex than that. However, a 50WPC Class A amp hints of being a great sounder! Terry London clearly pointed out the S5.5 does more than hint, it shouts. Terry led the AGON band and all the musicians in the band were precisely in tune!
S5.5 is a winner! In any Class!