The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!

I have in-house the New Coda Technologies S5.5 amplifier for review for Stereo Times website. It will be awhile before I write the review. However, I'm so impressed by the performance of this petite amplifier, it only weights 45 pounds, that I wanted to give a heads up to you GON members if you are in the market for a balanced pure class A amplifier, delivers 50 watts @ 8 Ohms, and can drop 100 Amperes of current on a peak!

The world class build quality of Coda amplifiers is on display with the S5.5, along with the most beautiful purity of tonality, precise sound-staging, complete liquidity offered by pure class A design, and what might be the best top end regarding details, decays, and a natural shimmering without brightness or any edge at all.

The S5.5 uses extremely wide bandwidth output transistors instead of the usual TO3 devices used in most transistor designs. I own the Coda #16, which is great, but the midrange/high end is taken to another level of musical enjoyment with the S5.5. The S5.5 has a sense of speed/aliveness that is exciting to listen to that you experience in live music. The amp is dynamic as hell, has driven with ease any speaker I have tried it with, hence my nickname of the "Petite Beast". Remember, 50 watts pure class A, can drop 100 amperes of current and only weights 45 pounds.

Teajay (Terry London)


Showing 22 responses by johnah5

Hey Peter,

Great question. The answer is yes, the S5.5 drove a Devore 096, which I believe is a 16 ohm nominal load with a no difficulties at all. So I'm assuming it would do fine with your LS3/5 speakers.


Hey minatophase3,

Thanks for sharing your cursory listening experiences with us. So far, what you are hearing makes total sense to me. Both your amps are great, it now will be your personal taste and synergy with your speakers to decide on your "reference".

Have fun and let us know what going on as the S5.5 burns in.


Just wanted to share: 

I'm packing up a pair of Analysis Audio Epsilon planar speakers that I reviewed months ago and are going to be packed up to be sent back to the importer. These large planar speakers are only 86dB and a nominal 4 ohms. 

So what the hack, I decided to see what the S5.5 would do at driving them. Well, the speakers were driven effortlessly, and all the virtues of the S5.5 - beautiful high end frequencies, midrange details, total transparency, tight extended bass, and finally an "aliveness" were present and made the panels sing with great musicality.


Hey aolmrd1241,

I agree, I would always defer to the designer regarding the optimum parameters regarding their pieces of equipment. Doug always is available to get feedback on these types of questions.

As I shared above, I tried the S5.5 on pretty inefficient,  down to around 82 dB and a nominal 4 ohm rating, speakers and the amp effortlessly drove them in a relatively large space. So parameters like your acoustic space, do you listen at very high volume levels, and the speakers own unique perks are part of the equation. I have had SET amps matched with speakers at times that should have not really worked well, but they turned out to be a great sounding combo.




Hey vthokie83,

Thanks for your very detailed and informed sharing on the S5.5. I just got off the phone with Aric (AricAudio). You are in for another treat when you get your Motherlode in the near future. The combo of the S5.5 and Aric’s great preamplifier will blow your mind!

Thanks again for sharing, Teajay

Hey guys,

Isn't it great even with different listeners/personal taste, different equipment in each system, and different  acoustic spaces, the sonic virtues/traits of the S5.5 are still clearly heard. Now its around 20 people, through this thread or Emails, stating that the S5.5 is/or might be one of the best Solid State amps they ever bought. Not inexpensive, but what a value at its retail price compared to much more expensive amps that are not built to the same quality or perform at the same level.

Remarkable, over 20 new owners and not one disappointed over what they are experiencing with the S5.5!


Hey vthokie83,

You have been a very busy audiophile recently, indeed. However, you have purchased gear from to of my favorite companies and people, Coda (Doug) and AricAudio (Aric). Both offer great performing gear that is well built, and very reasonably priced. Each is a good person who takes care of each and everyone of their customers with respect and on-going support.

Well, your wife will ultimately forgive you, I hope, and now you  have a very good tube amplifier for variety in the future. I’m really curious about what your impressions will be of the S5.5 with your Motherlode preamplifier. I love my piece and have great fun rolling the 6SN7s, which are my favorite signal tube in a line-stage.

Let us know, Teajay

Hey irave,

I suggest you call Doug at Coda to answer your question. My hunch is that it would be OK, but check with him.


Hey Guys,

I did address what is the difference between the Pass Labs XA-25 vs. the Coda S5.5 earlier in this thread. I have owned the XA-25, its a great amplifier, my favorite of the present XA generation of Pass Labs amps, The S5.5 is quieter, more detailed, faster/dynamic, with tighter bass, and a much more airy extended top end. Both are great amplifiers, its a matter of personal taste and synergy with your system. 


Hey paoz,

The Pass punches above its very conservative ratings of its watts rating. However, the S5.5 not only is rated 100 watts into 8 ohms but has almost double the current loading of the XA-25. I have both amps and the S5.5 will drive more speakers effortlessly then the Pass Labs.


Hey paoz,

The 07x is a great preamplifier. When I reviewed it, and bought it, I put it on the Stereo Times "component of the decade" list. It was the first solid state preamp that rivaled my tube based line-stages in tonality/color and spatiality. The combo of the S5.5 and 07x would be the heart of a reference level system.


Hey aolmrd1241 and vthokie83,

You guys are so right on in your remarks regarding the looks and performance of the S5.5. I have been reviewing for close to 15 years and this amplifier charmed this "jaded" reviewer. And to think how many SS amps I have had in for review that cost over 20K that did not even come close to the performance (such as Dagostino - Boulder) of the "Petite Beast" which is such a bargain at its price!


Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to share that I have tested the S5.5 with another speaker I have in for review. Two points here:

1) I have now tried the S5.5 with 5 very different types of speakers and it drove all them superlatively/effortlessly with great musicality.

2) The new speaker I have in-house for a StereoTimes review is Aric's (AricAudio) first commercial design called the Spectre 12. He has been working on this speaker for over 8 years to get it where it is now. Where it is now is mind blowing! It is large stand mount which weights around 80 pounds, six drivers, front ported, Baltic birch cabinet, is 8 ohms and rated at 96 dB efficiency, and goes down to 30 Hz and up to around 30 KHz because of its ribbon tweeter. I'll be writing a review on the AricAudio two chassis reference 2A3 SET amplifier in conjunction with his new speaker. The point I'm trying to make here is that Aric's speaker sounds wonderful with his own great SET amplifier. However, the S5.5, on these speakers sounds like a SET on steroids, retaining the beautiful harmonics/tonality of the 2A3 tube and adds on the drive and dynamics of solid state high current delivery. The S5.5 and Aric's new speaker is a killer combo! You GON members who own AricAudio tube based gear owe it to yourself to hear these speakers being driven by Aric's own amplifiers.


Just like yyzsantabarbara I have reviewed and owned the Coda # 8, # 16, and the 07x preamplifier. All terrific pieces at their price points. Unless you need the extra watts /current of the #16 to drive either very inefficient speakers or listen at insane dB levels the S5.5 will be plenty of amplifier for your system.

Their is no doubt in my mind that regarding the mid-range and high frequency range that, as of right now, the S5.5 has more pristine tonality, refinement in the micro-details, and one of the most beautiful presentations of the top end compared to the other Coda amps.. I would not call it "night and day" in its difference in these areas compared to the #16, but you can clearly hear it. Until, the System 150 amp ( which is a two chassis design and will retail for around $25,000) is released I believe the S5.5 is the most musical of all the Coda amplifiers and the least expensive! The only caveat is your speakers are not "pigs" to drive. So far I have tried the S5.5 with five very different speakers that it drove effortlessly and its sonic virtues shined through each time.



Hey Guys,

I just submitted my review on the S5.5 to my editor at Stereo Times. I'll let you all know when it goes live on the website.

For yyzsantabarbara, I asked Doug Dale to explain the difference in the S5.5 with the other Coda amps and here's some of what he shared, "The S5.5 uses different transistors then the other Coda amplifiers. This pair of transistors are very similar to those that were used in the System amp architecture but are produced in a way that precludes them being in our other amplifiers."  

There is more information contained in the review. However, the S5.5 could be called a "baby brother" to the prior generation of the System 150 amplifier. The S5.5, not the #16 is closer to the System 150.

Teajay (Terry London)


Hey charan,

First, thanks for your kind words regarding my reviews. With out copping out, both are great amplifiers with slight differences. The SPL S1200 has an overall smidgen of warmth (velvety) while the S5.5 is more neutral and has what I describe as a (silky) overall presentation. Both have great top ends. However, the shimmer/details of the Coda S5.5’s high frequencies is still something very special compared to any solid state amp I have tried. If you have speakers that can get a bit bright/forward sounding the S5.5 might not be a great match-up. Both are great at producing large sound-stages. Each is very musical and the antithesis of being analytical. Regarding overall speed, dynamics, bass control, and a sense of aliveness both amps are reference level. If you love your SPL S800 you would really dig the S1200, keeps the mid-range magic and adds on to it. (If you read my review on the S1200 it gives the details of these wonderful additions.) If you want a slightly different "flavor" the Coda S5.5 would provide that in your system. By the way the S5.5 matches great with the SPL Elector preamp.

I love to use tube analogies to describe the sonic differences between pieces of equipment. For my ears the S1200 is slightly towards the warmth of a great 300B or E-34 tube, while the S5.5 is slightly towards a great 2A3 or 211 tube. These are exaggerations, but give a taste of the differences that people can relate to if they have heard the different tube "flavors". So, it really does come down to personal taste and system synergy.

Teajay (Terry London)

Hey Guys,

My Stereo Times review should be posted the beginning of next week. I have a section were I include many of your superlative remarks regarding the S5.5's performance, build quality, and cost vs performance ratio.

Thanks to all of you who have shared, and will be looking forward to Fred's remarks!

Teajay (Terry London)

Hey Jeff,

Thanks for your kind words towards my review. Regarding the S5.5 as being one of the best bargains in audio, I just got an Email from a listener who replaced a pair of $14000 mono-blocks with the S5.5 because it performed at a higher level than his mono-blocks to his great delight.


Hey charliee,

That’s a great question. It depends on what speakers I’m using with S5.5 in the system. For example the Musician Audio’s Knight 1 speaker is a great two-way design that has a touch of overall warmth/fullness. Therefore, I like the synergy with the S5.5 being driven with either the Coda 07x or SPL Elector which are more neutral with this speaker that does not need more warmth. When I use the S5.5 with my NSMT Clairvoyant / System two which are more neutral/transparent then I like the touch of warmth that the tube based AricAudio Motherload adds using 6SN7 tubes. Remember, the S5.5 is brilliantly transparent and will pass on the signature of your source and preamplifier, so matching this to your speakers is based on your personal taste.


Jeez Guys, 

Like all amplifiers I have ever owned when you face the front of the amp the left input/speaker wire output is on the left and the right input/speaker wire output is on the right. Regardless of the manual this is a no brainer.

The S5.5 does double down to 100 watts into four ohms. Nobody, including myself, has yet used a speaker that the S5.5 has had any trouble driving effortlessly to very loud volume levels in many different systems. Vthokie83 is correct regarding that my review and this total thread is based on the brand new version of the S5.5 with the different transistors compared to earlier generations of this amplifier.

Teajay (Terry London)

Hey vthokie83,

I totally agree with your statement, "all beautifully, and with out strain". I have now tried the S5.5 with over seven different types of speakers and each was driven splendidly at all volume levels. This amplifier lives up to its nickname the "Petite Beast" regarding its current loading and beautiful reproduction of music in a small package.

Teajay (Terry London)

Hey gryphongryph,

I have an isolation transformer that has a digital read out of how many watts are consumed and the S5.5 at idle is less then 90 watts. I never turn it off and it runs warm but not hot.
