"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Showing 18 responses by mahgister


I did not know him thanks...


I think i will like him ...😉

He seems like a more terrestrial Sun Ra ... 😊

The greatest American poets are Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson ..


Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops at all.” E. Dickinson


This world is not conclusion. A sequel stands beyond Invisible, as music But positive, as sound. E. Dickinson


«All music is what awakes from you when you are reminded by the instruments, It is not the violins and the cornets, it is not the oboe nor the beating drums, It is nearer and farther than they.» Walt Whitman


Great posts tyray...+2

We cannot prove anything important if we cannot create the world where what is important can be perceived to begin with ...

Philistine dont perceive mystery nor beauty, they trivialize it ... Or they reduce any myth to a comic book status... They dont understand myths nor creative imagination and they reduce mathematical concepts to mere computations ... Their idea of thinking resemble ideas of an accountant ...

By the way i love sun Ra,Lonnie Smith and Gabor Szabo...

And  mijostyn forgot  that the huge choral works of many centuries before Bach is completely mystical in his music ...It is impossible to listen to Josquin Des Prez or Hildegard of Bingen without entering meditative state and even ectasy...

Great post Tylermunns +2



Obviously, my point that music, as a thing in human experience, is only partially explained when it is jotted down on a staff, still stands.
Just because we can read The Brothers Karamazov doesn’t mean we can scientifically explain the breadth and power of that work.

Confusing meanings with letters , Intelligence with A. I. , science and knowledge with technology is the symptom of our dying materialism era, culminating in transhumanism hubris...

There is a solid basis for love in nature and we are not the only animals that love.


But here you are right ...😊

Love and cooperation are the basis of society and even of nature...

Darwin has not see all there is to see ...

Pitirim Sorokin book is now forgotten but it was the greatest sociologist of his time and wrote about cooperation all along history and about the 5 dimensions of love in his mammoth book "Social and cultural dynamics" ... ..



Sorry mijostyn but you are often in reverse from reality... Even in audio ... 😁

IMHO we face mysteries when we do not know the answers

You confuse mystery with enigmas or riddles...Mystery are sacred meanings of what appear which wait for us and can transform ourself and not games to be win over and used and sold (technology) ...

Wisdom is not mere knowledge, knowledge is not mere science, science is not mere technology ...

We faced mysteries when we dont bother with limited ready made answers because we become children again or keep our childhood in us as a treasure and as the highest geniuses did  we then are able to see things always for the first time and without the veil of conditioning ...

We faced mysteries which are only evidence of deeper layers manifested in plain sight but unobserved because most adults are no more children nor geniuses ...

Read the physicist Bortoft analysis of Goethe method to understand ...

And remember Alexander Grothendieck one of the greatest mathematician since Riemann Gauss and Ramanujan who described part of his geometric algebraic intuition "children drawings" because in his word "what is really important never can be proven " but can be guessed and used by intuition and work through an illuminated by the creative imagination metamorphosed reason ...

Now try to relate Goethe method in morphology in plant and mammals and Grothendieck "dessins d’enfants" and you will catch what is a mystery, an infinite given in plain sight ...



because he was a mystic as was Cantor and spiritual as was Goethe he draw his christmas tree of knowledge ...

Grothendieck created Modern algebraic geometry singlehandly ...he is the master of Shinichi Mochizuki probably the greatest continuation of his work but in a com-plete new direction ...


From here :



Merry christmas especially to those who are alone and with only one loved person beside them or at distance or sick ...

We grow old and more isolated ...

Music can be then more than a leisure , a way to remember the past and the eternity ...

I like this image a lot because the joy is always measured only by the infinite and make itself felt as a finite soul in front of us ...

A dog , a bird or a tree or a children ...Any finite object remembering his source ...

This is a mystery if there is one and the ground of mathematics itself according to Georg Cantor and the ground of love mystery...

We cannot see more than the way we love ....

Then seeing anything and saying : "this is only that", if it is not lying to ourself , it is staying blind ...


I am interested by many things ... Give it a try...

I suggested many videos or articles...


When listening music, we feel these mysteries...if not what is music ?

A rythm to replace boredom ...Yes, but it can be much more too ...




I am speechless.

I don’t know what to make of the ideas expressed in the OP, and how a strong argument can be made that “the mystery of sound is mysticism,” but I do know that acknowledging the experience music provides without acknowledging the intangible, immeasurable things, and/or ensconcing oneself into a rigid bubble of “science / data, and nothing else,” is folly


Great post! thanks ...

 I wish you the best for Christmas and this new year... 🎄




For sure Bach is the greatest musical experience in my life with Indian classical music and african talking drums ...


«If its turn and roll it is musical but it is better if its speak »-- Anonymus Yoruba drummer


«Drums are talking geometry»--Anonymus mathematician


Alain Connes conference : "the music of shapes"



Takes a look at Ginger Baker learning drums ...



now check Cymatics:


I read many books in my life...

The three among the most impressive in science ( at least near 200 illuminating out of the ordinary books in all fields )

One is a book about Egyptology, one about linguistic , the third is about Fractal geometry in french which was the first edition , (1975) ex equo with Cantor theory i studied, but in the last decades i stumbled in 2020 on the book "Nanobrain" by Anirban Bandyopadhyay...

Read this 3 parts idea from the first paragraph of the tweeter blog and try to read his tweeter as an introduction...

It is not light reading and he wrote English no better than me sorry...😁 But a genius he is which is not so frequent encounter....Dont judge him by his english syntax...He is not an A.I. engineer as most who are working for corporations, he is a pure scientist, all his idea are new from the ground up in artificial consciousness research (not artificial intelligence) And all his ideas are applied technology in the making (as example his fine analysis of microtubules "music" ) ...I did not encountered such a genius for sometime now ( i am old and more stupid than i was in the past then we discover less 😁 )...

His general philosophy is completely "musical" and arithmetical metaphorically speaking ...

By the way i lost my taste to read young; at 20 i discovered geniuses,( in mathematics, philosophy and mysticism from all cultures) and i never read again by only mere leisure pleasure to kill time but mostly in ectasy with new ideas and new intuition in all fields... I was more interested by someone ideas than by the field he work in ...Even phonology/phonetic can be captivating matter trust me😊...

Now if you read him you will discover that the cosmos is musical and even you will discover that mathematics is music more than the reverse more accepted common place fact about music being mathematical ...

To be clear mathematics is musical not logical....Sorry for Bertrand Russell here , welcome Kurt Godel ...

By the way forget mathematics as only mere formulas, it is contemplation of the source on the mind level... Higher it is mystical experience as such ...



As mathematics , music is indeed a mystery; one is aimed at our mind from the universal heart, the other is aimed at our heart from the universal mind ...


«Nothing really impoertant can be proven»-- Alexander Grothendieck

«Logic is useful, not meaningful»--Anonymus depressive logician

«We are logical»-- Bill Gates

Your right and we all think so...

We dont know all what music can deliver , it seems without limits; We know why we love music , it is because there is nothing to hide in music , no lies, but all is so deep we cannot fathom it ...

Music is life itself ...A complete mystery which walk inside us and beside us...



I like to think of music as the universal language.

You are right...

I reacted too seriously , my only excuse is that this question of the OP matter to me a lot ...

I will then ask for forgiveness to mazian and completely apologize...

Sometimes i behave like an idiot and felt that i am always dead serious in front of students ...I am ashamed to confess that it is not the first time my ego win over me...😁

I wish mazian will understand my stupidity and go over my limitations..

Humor make life better especially here and sometimes i takes question way too seriously ...

By the way i am ashamed of my post now but i will let it here as a reminder ...

Anyway i wish him the best Christmas possible and a good health to him and his family ...

And for sure thanks to you

I enjoy your posts Mahgister, but the typing comment didn’t strike me as all that derisive. We feel what we feel, but taking a joke is a well-documented way to not give a crap. Bless you and Merry Christmas.




When Plato had written :

"Let no one ignorant of geometry enter"

He was remembering Pythagoras...And his ideas about music and numbers or ratio...

There is a deep reason for that...

So deep , it makes more sense today than in the days of Plato...

For the founder of non commutative geometry, Alain Connes , geometry and even numbers are music... For the first designer of artificial brain and consciousness in India working in Japan in his book "nanobrain" it is also such ...

Science taught us to pounder and perceive mysteries as indicated Goethe in his reflections about his method in science , not to reduce them as philistines do , to trivial questions with trivial solutions by saying that mysteries are mere already answered and settled questions ... What this philistines forget is learning how to perceive phenomena anew and in a new light ...

Mijostyn you are so desperately trivial and predictive...😁

Nevermind our opinions it is better to motivate people than always claiming  especially when it is false : "it is only that" ...




What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music?

The advantage is social and spiritual... As social animal we must decode speech and the associated "music" to synchonize individuals and the group...Human produces sound and music not only with the mouth but with all the body and dancing and playing members of the body physical and social ...

And Spiritually it is advantageous to like music and learn it because it is a deep way to know ourself as individual and member of a group and finally part of humanity and at the end participant of the cosmos ...



Sound is not a mystery.

Sound stay a mystery in spite of all derived technology we enjoy...

No universal hearing theory exist for the time being...

And there is many deep problems bordering on mysteries with sound...

And we are as a body a mass of vibrating waters and electrical vibrations across a huge range of Hertz scale ...


The only mystery I know of is why humans are universally fond of music. What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music?

The real mystery is not our love for music by the way ...

Not surprizing at all that we love music , and the question what is it in nature that makes us so much loving music is simple : our own resonating body on all scale of vibrations with the cosmos ... Our brain is an orchestra but the maestro and composer is not in it ...We learn how to learn by synchronizing our internal rythms with the cosmos rythms ...this process is described well by a genius in India working with Penrose and Hameroff but developing his own ideas,

read this dude books :

It is the more accessible one of the three main books in pure mathematics i know about this mystery :


The mathematical basis of our self learning process is known already... It is the distribution of prime numbers whih is the GROUND but this distribution is a deep mystery the deepest one in mathematics and related also to music ( see Alain Connes the music of shapes on youtube ) ..



By the way Bolong is right ...😊 And this youtube video is exactly right on all counts...I already seen it and put it in one of my thread so true it was..😊



By the way all surhuman great mathematicians in history , not our regular professors, are spiritual and mystic ... It is easy to demonstrate ... But it will take a long post ...

Mathematics is more musical than logical... In fact there is no logic in mathematic... We use logic as a means to taught mathematic in a linear way and in function of our actual state of knowledge ... Pure beauty and pure truth is musical not logical, it exceed logic as the ocean poured in a glass of water overflow all bounds of the glass ...




As said the great mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, also a poet : «Nothing really important can be proved ». this sentence this maxim was aimed not only for mathematics but for anything in life ...

The second greatest mathematician of the century perhaps , Cantor , wrote that « the essence of Mathematics is pure freedom and creativity »..

Now take these two sentences together to understand what they means together...

They means that in mathematics as in life some deep problem cannot be solved in the past paradigm, as the parallell postulate , or the question of the actual infinite, for example , we must not trying to solve the problem with a demonstration and a proof which are not possible anyway in these cases; in the opposite we must create first a new world to SHOW the hidden value of these problems as Cantor did , as Lobatchevsky or Bolyai did ...

It is no more a mere proof mechanism in a known world first but the heart feeling and the mind feeling about a new unknown world , a new conceptual scheme living as an organism in the spirit of any genius; then first and last more a perception than a logical proof ...

Then even in mathematics the feeling and the concepts play together , as in acoustic, and as in music understanding, or as in any human endeavor ...

Pure reactive subjective romantism or pure objective materialism are blind alleys, the spiritual takes over the body and the heart together ... As illustrated by Goethe or William Blake in very different ways ...


We cannot prove God exist or anything of real value as love or Beauty, or musical or   the depest mathematical truth; but we can create a world for us together where these mysteries can and will be perceived ...


«Any fact need a world where it is possible for it to exist»-- Anonymus Sherlock Holmes reader 🕵️‍♀️

«All trees dont grow above sand»-- Anonymus botanist