The Mysteries of Random Play

9 out of 10 times when I listen to music I simply hit random play and listen to whatever comes up from the approximately 13,000 songs I've put on hard disk and access via iTunes (see my system setup for more details). Well last night the system actually spooked me. It started out with Minnie Riperton's "Seeing You This Way" which was produced and recorded with Stevie Wonder and then it went to Stevie W. performing "You Are the Sunshine of My Life". I noticed the thematic link, but didn't pay much attention until the next song up, "Inna City Mama" by Nenah Cherry came up because it opens with a snippet of dialog -- "New York, just like I pictured it, skyscrapers and everythang". At this point I'm a little spooked, I mean 3 songs in a row with a Stevie Wonder link. By now I'm truly anticipating the next song, and up comes "I Love Every Little Thing About You" by Stevie Wonder. What are the odds of 4 straight S. Wonder related songs coming up? Clearly my system has soul.

BTW, the next song in the sequence was Bill Evans live piano solo of "I Loves You Porgy".

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Two possible answers. You have only Stevie Wonder related songs on your computer :^).

Steve Jobs had a real thing for "Songs In The Key Of Life" and programed the passion into iTunes.