The Much Maligned MP3?

There is a school of thought that regards any form of lossy data as inherently flawed and unsuitable for the use in high performance audio playback.

But is this really so?

When even Redbook CD is now regarded by some as inadequate, you can imagine their opinions on streaming via broadband Wi-Fi - or even, shock horror - Bluetooth 5!

Even the fact that equipment manufacturers and dealers routinely use it for demonstration purposes doesn’t deter these naysayers.

Not does the fact that the 128kbps MP3 used on YouTube is found to be perfectly acceptable to billions of users worldwide.

Some still regard the use of 320kbps MP3 (with over twice as much data) as heretical.

They also seem to be oblivious to the various ongoing discussions about user perceptions of quality such as the ongoing 720p v 1080p / Blu-ray v 4k resolution debate or the 60Hz v 90Hz v 144Hz monitor refresh rates issue etc.

Surely the fact that many uploaders are now seeking to post videos with better sound quality on sites such as YouTube surely demonstrates that there might be a huge demand for better sound quality out there.

As well as the inescapable fact that provenance matters far more than the means of transmission.

So isn’t it high time for audiophiles to shed some of these long held prejudices?

Showing 1 response by fuzztone

CD double breasted yamaha"
Many folks cannot distinguish.."

My money says most can. They just don’t care.

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