The most transparent speaker cable

Gentlemen, I've been trying already for three cables in my system and none has all of the qualities I'm looking for in one. Can anyone recommend me the speaker cable which will be the most transparent with best detailing, not harsh and not muddy with the deepest bass and beautiful transients?

I've tried Revelation Audio Labs, Oyaide FF-20 V2 and Russian noname solid core AC in-wall cable. Today I'm gonna test the AR solid core but I doubt it will win. What I like in solid core cables is that they giving me the best and coherent bass I heard but at a price of the transparency. Of all three, the most transparent however was the Russian noname solid core AC in-wall cable but it lacks the bass slam and finesse.
Some recommend me to try as a speaker cable the Mundorf MConnect Metallfolie...

Showing 1 response by 213runnin

I used my 12 gauge stranded oxygen free copper lamp cord, for several years.  Then, after I got into 2 channel again and upgraded everything else, I was still unhappy with the sound.  Oppo, Parasound Halo, Paradigm Signature in my system then, and the imaging from these was rather 2 dimensional and plain.

I didn't know that then, only that something seemed to be wrong for a system costing several thousand.  So finally after racking my brain and reading everywhere I thought, how much worse could it get, and tried new speaker cables, Audioquest Type 4, at the suggestion of someone on another forum.  He suggested those because they could be quite cheap, and would be a noticeable improvement over stranded copper.  I had come to the conclusion that all cables sound the same, but more recently had tried mid level Morrow IC's and though they made some difference, it wasn't much.

That turned out to be because the old speaker cables  were holding back the sound.  The Morrows with the Audioquest was quite a step up.  Placement of instruments, depth of sound stage, and a focus and clarity.  It's not that I had noticed I was lacking any of this, I didn't know what was missing.

Now, the Audioquest Type 4 go for $5/ft in bulk cable, which is what I had.  When I decided to upgrade the speaker cables again I found the limits of the Type 4.  It's a warm cable with somewhat recessed highs, and less bass.  No surprise since the Type 4 is about a 17 gauge cable.  

Wow, that was quite a mouthful!  Point is, Russel is a quack who has misled many people and given false hope for others.  Either way, I suggest Wireworld or Morrow speaker cables, either of their top of the line stuff will not disappoint.