the most simplistic stereo you have had

I am curious to see what is the most simplistic set up you have or have had. With the mammoth sized speakers and amps on the market right now, I wonder if there are others who have found a lasting refuge on quality of components and sounds that are in essence simple. Please describe the whole set up, specs, sound quality etc . . . what is your recommendation of a ticket for audio nirvana. PAUL

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

ten foot length of single-crystal 6-9's copper wire triple teflon-coated, stripped on both ends. one end attached via proprietary process to a .25 carat diamond, custom-ground in the vandenhull configuration and direct mounted (with a 5 gm. tungsten weight) onto a graham 2.0 arm, mounted on a kuzma xl tt. the other end split into 2 segments and each segment further split into 3 segments (this is for profesionals-DO NOT TRY AT HOME) gold soldered into neutrik balanced connectors plugged into an aesthetix phono w/pot phono/pre, driven directly to a boulder 2060 amp and thence to a pair of avalon eidolons. cost: ~ $97k. but, very simple. very satisfying. very much fiction. kinda interesting anyway, eh? (FWIW, i do own or lust after a good chunk of the described "system.")