The missing piece

What is a piece of equipment you added to your system and it made such a huge impact you knew you would never get rid of it? cables, components, speakers e.t.c. for me it was a pair of Intuitive Design Gamma Summit speakers.

Showing 1 response by rar1

Two pieces of equipment for me: 1) Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 cd player/ preamp and 2) Shure SC 35C phono cartridge.

The CR PRE 24 was the best cd player and preamp I had/ have used. Granted I prefer to buy my equipment new and typically when it is being discontinued and my systems have a definite mid-fi feel to them, still the sound, appearance, and build of the CD PRE 24 has me trying to score a NOS piece, for when the one I have needs to be replaced.

I got back into vinyl about a year or so ago and was just not feeling it and was ready to throw in the towel. I experimented with quite a few cartridges and still nothing, until I tried the Shure SC 35C. Not only is it good for the price, it is just plain good.
