The miracle of the turntable?

This afternoon I was finishing up reprogramming my Proceed AVP after the AVP2 upgrade, and I was playing an album to check that I had set up the analog pass-through correctly. As I did, my 8 year old son was watching. He gazed in wonder at the spinning black disc and said:

"I still don't understand how that can make music."

I started to explain the principle of the mechanical movement of the stylus in the grooves, and how the cartridge turned that into electrical signals, and then I stopped and asked: "Do you know how a CD makes music?" He shrugged his shoulders to indicate "No."

It got me to is it that a new generation just accepts the fact that they can feed a shiny plastic disc into a tray on a black box and get music, and yet they are dumbfounded by the technology of the LP?

Am I just getting old, or what?

Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

son sounds like an ideal candidate for a close-n-play turntable?
Maybe next - try him on a basic electronics learning lab kit. I was doing these myself at a very young age. The kid is already curious & asks good questions. Nurture his achievements; someday maybe he'll be designing the stuff!