the meters on jackpot records mastered by kevin gray

i am wondering if anyone has purchased these records and their thoughts on sound and pressing quality



Showing 1 response by tylermunns

I wish I could speak to them, as I can’t, but I will say these things:
- you probably like The Meters, as you started this particular topic,
- you probably like vinyl, as you started this particular topic,
- Kevin Gray is an elite mastering engineer,
- Jackpot Records is a fine, committed, independent label that works hard to make good music available to people at a reasonable price which thusly makes them, in my opinion, an admirable company worthy of support,
- an original copy of one of these in excellent condition will cost about $300, assuming the grading was accurate and the copy indeed arrives without noticeable distortion, obtrusive surface noise or other disappointments,
- these LPs cost $30, and, 
- a cursory overview of Steve Hoffman Forum chatter on these reissues reveals nothing that suggests they have any problems, with the only “negative” being “strong low end,” and no one saying that an original definitively beats it (lots of original pressings indeed definitively beat even good reissues)

If all of this is indeed true, I ask: what is there to lose by giving one a try?