The Mechanics of WAF

I understand the basic concept of WAF - different people are affected to different levels and for (potentially) different reasons, but people who co-habitate often have to pay at least some attention to the other residents' aesthetics when acquiring audio gear, especially speakers.

So, I really get this scenario:

"Honey, I'm going to buy these 7-foot, 300lbs/side speakers and put them in the LR"
"Sweetie, you do that and you might as well have them delivered to the apartment you're going to be renting"
"Okay, I'll keep looking"

But there are any number of For Sale ads that say "These speakers are 2 months old but have to go due to WAF"

How does this happen? Is it all rookie mistakes, where the spouse doesn't think about what a given speaker might actually look like until it's literally in their house? Do people who make the purchase just not hear what they're being told before they purchase? Just curious what leads to this frustrating outcome.

Showing 1 response by jcground

So what does it stand for?

I'm new here, but no stranger to forums about other music topics, particularly guitars & other instruments.

I gather WAF must stand for Wife Appreciation Factor or something like that. On musician forums, I see lots of references to SWMBO ("she who must be obeyed" - swimbo for short) - pretty similar.

Seems like both subjects attract a lot of guys, and we sometimes have trouble convincing our significant others that the things we love are really cool and deserve a prominent spot in the house. (I wonder if women frequent chat rooms where they talk about how to convince guys that a shelf full of precious moments figures is a good idea.)

Sorry if my supposition is crass. I'm not trying to put off any female members of the community. Just curious about an acronym that I keep seeing.
