The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.

Luxman is releasing this fall a 95th anniversary integrated. It's style is from the late 1980's. No meters all buttons. Power wise it seems like the same as the 590AXII. World wide 300 of these integrated's will be built. 100 allocated to the US market. Price about $11,495. You can view it on the new Luxman website.

Showing 1 response by hgeifman

It seems most people above feel the aesthetics of the Luxman 595A SE amplifier is not the best (and I agree).

On the other hand, I wonder how it sounds compared to the Luxman 590AX II amplifier? Were there any changes made inside the L-595A SE amp that improves its sound quality? Its specifications look normal. Obviously, I am waiting for someone to purchase this new amplifier and report.

@kren0006, I doubt Luxman will discontinue the Luxman 590AX II amp since the 595A SE amp has a limited number of units available (I think 300 units worldwide and 100 units for the USA). I have no comments on a possible price drop but I doubt it.