The Little Tube Amp That Could?

Greetings all. I am looking for some recommendations for a moderately-priced stereo tube amp. I would like to have at least 20-30 solid WPC, but don't really need much more than that. The amp is going in between a Cary SLP50A, Ruark Templars (original model, about 87db sensitive with tube-friendly impedence), with a Sony 333 as the front end (also a NAD 533/Black Cube analog rig, too).

Is it possible to find an amp like this (used gear preferred) in the 6-800 range? I don't need fancy, just good dimensional tube sound with some "balls".

I was thinking about a Cary SLA 70 or something like that, and would appreciate quality feedback on this or similar amps. Thanks for your time.


Showing 1 response by ultrakaz

Rogue 88 or Music Reference RM-10. You can get either one for about $700 to $800. You must run the 88 in triode to get the most out of this amp. The downside is that the 88 is rather big (over 50lbs compared to the RM-10 about 15lbs) and has a fan. The RM-10 is extremely quiet for a tube amp and has a grainless midrange that is more refined than the 88. The 88 has a better soundstage and bass. Both are excellent and each has it strengths and weaknesses.