The Levinson Sound?

I have never listened to a Mark Levinson amp, but am curious as to what sound characteristics they have, especially the older amps from the 90's. How do they compare to say Pass Labs amps? Any info would be appreciated.

Showing 8 responses by clemvice


I'm from Lisboa - P O R T U G A L

I have 335 and it's a genuine Levinson, all of the following are no longer made by Mr. Mark Levinson (I mean ...)

the whole line of 334 - 335 - 336 does not suffer from the capacitor problem

only the 331 - 332 and 333 are previous and this series is that they suffered this problem

the 336 is multichannel for home theater

The 335 is excellent the best of them all better than the legendary ML 27.5

good hearings ..... ...



Ok . 336 two channels

the power cable on the 335 is not rigid, it is replaceable by any other.

the MLevinson 331,332 and 333 were equipped with PHILIPS capacitors that burst

later MLevinson rectified and released the EXCELLENT 334,335 and 336 already with other capacitors, no longer suffered from this problem

excellent amplifiers , 334,335 e 336

good hearings ..



Mark levinson equals Rolls Royce !

and Mark Levinson 335, of the ancients is the best of them all

Thank you very much

Greetings to all commentators in this post .



the genuine mark levinson are those of MADRIGAL (Mister Mark Levinson), today is the group Harman Kardon

I am not disqualifying the current powers because they even have excellent power as is the case of the excellent 585, EISA award 2015/2016 ,

EISA award

on technical assistance, in Portugal have provided assistance, there have been no problems, there are some skilled multi-brand technicians.




I've got the Mark Levinson 335 since 2007, no problem, no electronics review

the capacitors are NOT PHILIPS, they are SPRAGUE, except for error, they are blue

again I repeat, that only the first series 331,332 and 333 are equipped with PHILIPS capacitors

the series 334, 335 and 336 the problem was solved with other capacitors, in Portugal who has this series has not yet repaired it.

Happy Listening !



 My no. 335 is still OEM since Maio of 2007, excelent power

I recommend this series amplifier

Happy Listening!


does anyone know the references of the set of capacitors used an excellent Mark levinson 335 and their values of uf and Vdc
for a future review.

Merry christmas everyone

thank you

De, P O R T U G A L

Clemente Vicente
