The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V

Does anyone know anything about these speakers, their current market value or sound quality compared to more recent statement loudspeakers?

I remember hearing them once years ago at Lyric hi fi in New York, driven by gigantic Jadis tube monoblocks, a Goldmund turntable and reading in TAS that they were the holy grail of high end audio.

I am sure not too many were made but I cant recall seeing any for sale.

Was this speaker a real high end classic or just overhyped?

Showing 1 response by geoffkait

I was at some big audio show n Washington DC or Arlington musta been around 1982 when there was a big demo of the Latest Audio Research Tube electronics and the monster Infinity Reference V using a super duper reel to reel tape deck and master tapes as the source. The demo was set up on the stage if an auditorium. I remember very clearly the spokesperson saying, when you shut your eyes this should sound just like real music. Then he flipped the on switch. Unfortunately the sound was so horrible everyone immediately got up and exited the auditorium. Oh, well, the best laid plans and all that. 😬