The Law of Accelerating Returns

I totally agree this letter from the editor of A-S.

It makes sense if you have a $10,000 high quality integrated and stick a   $500.00 TT with a $300 phono section, a $400,00 Topping DAC and stream through your phone you will never know the real potential of the $10K integrated. And don't get me going on speakers. 

This article makes total sense but one must live within their means. 

No you do not have to spend a left lung for great sound but it all needs to be balanced. 



Showing 1 response by stuartk

I'd suggest the jealously factor depends on one's focus. If one is, above all, interested in having the latest, greatest new flavor or the most boutique gear or the most advanced topology or the most elegantly sculpted casework, etc., I'd submit one will be far more vulnerable to jealously, as all of the above tend to require, by definition, very deep pockets. Furthermore, the "latest and greatest" is constantly changing-- it's a moving target. 

If, on the other hand, one is most concerned with enhancing one's engagement with and enjoyment of, music and makes wise choices within one's budget, there is much less opportunity for jealously to intrude.