The Law of Accelerating Returns

I totally agree this letter from the editor of A-S.

It makes sense if you have a $10,000 high quality integrated and stick a   $500.00 TT with a $300 phono section, a $400,00 Topping DAC and stream through your phone you will never know the real potential of the $10K integrated. And don't get me going on speakers. 

This article makes total sense but one must live within their means. 

No you do not have to spend a left lung for great sound but it all needs to be balanced. 



Showing 1 response by pindac

Is it a I purchase with a 'Money is no Object' attitude to my System building ?

Or, I am content in buying from Vendors with a

'No shame here about the added Mark Up' attitude ?

If a person is taking the idea of producing a HiFi System seriously and they want to incur a vast outlay whilst doing so, they are more than welcome to the experience.

The assembly of devices and ancillaries at the end, does not in any way suggest it betters lesser costing set ups.

The only asurity is that the initial cost is what it cost.

Hypothetical - A system purchased in 2018 cost £ 400 000 ( $ 520 000 ).

A system containing all the same components and ancillaries in 2022 is purchased as New,  Ex Demo, and low usage used items for £180 000ish           ( ($195 000ish ).

Leaving the set up environments out of the equation, and Purchased Brands.

When only focusing on the Purchase Value, in most minds, when prompted to suggest which one is the better system, the more expensive will be the most likely one selected.

A TT Producing Company whose Patrons were visitors to my Demonstration Room at a Public Attended Exhibition, had revisited my room on a few occasions.

On one visit when the room was with less visitors, they gave my system a very healthy appraisal and suggested it was sounding on par with systems they have heard from their customers, of which some are in access of £300 000.

Appreciative as I was, I inquired if their customers Journey's had been filled with as much fun as mine, in efforts undertaken to build a system, that for me is quite satisfying and has a trail of friendships made in its wake.